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Chrissy's Dance

Chrissy's Dance...

June 05, 2002

Chrissy's 8th grade dance was tonight. She called me earlier this week and asked if I would please come over and help her get ready for it. It meant so much to me that she wanted me to be there, and that she wanted me to help her, and I was thrilled at the opportunity to get pictures and to just be there for her, so of course I said yes. This is Stephen's busy week at work, so he opted to take his own car, and go home instead of making me wait for him. I didn't mind.

I got over to their house about 5, and Chrissy was bouncing off the walls waiting for me to get there. She had just taken a shower, so I sent her to blow-dry her hair. Then I curled it for her. She wanted a bunch of tiny curls so it took a long time, but it turned out exactly how she wanted it to look, so I am glad that I took the time to do it that way. Sherry did her make up too, which she was totally excited about, and when it was all said and done she really looked very beautiful. Sherry looked at me and said, our girl isn't a baby anymore. Awww, she surely isn't. She is a beautiful teenager now, one whom I am very proud of.

We took her to the dance, and sat outside and watched the kids for a bit. It's hard to believe that some of them are 8th graders, they all looked so grown up in the dresses and stuff. It was pretty amazing, and brought back a lot of memories of my own 8th grade dance.

I remember this boy that I had the biggest crush on in 8th grade. Only problem was, half the school had a crush on him. I didn't go to the dance with him, I went with another boy who I liked very much as well.. but when the first boy asked me to dance, I had to say no, because I would never hurt the feelings of the boy I went with. How horrible it was to say no to the boy that I was half in love with for the previous few years.. I was like that though, always trying to not hurt anyone's feelings. I still remember the night as if it were yesterday. I can only hope that Chrissy will have such memories of her own dance. These are such wonderful milestones in our lives, and I hope that they are special for her.

Sherry, Chuck, June and I sat there for a while.. Sherry and I were oogling this teacher of Chrissy's that was finnnneee. OMG, I mean FINNEEE.. they didn't make them like that when I was in grammar school. I would remember it if they did. Chrissy says to me.. He is married Aunt Vicki... um, hello, so am I... giggle. It was funny, because when we were leaving... Chuck starts waving to him, trying to embarrass Sherry and I, saying.. oh.. isn't he soooo cute.. we were cracking up.. June looks at us and says.. you should see some of MY teachers. LMAO.. guess you had to be there.. it was funny. So then the four of us went out to dinner, which was nice and then over to their new house. How cute.. it's so them. I am really very happy for them, and can't wait to see how it looks when they turn it into a home and fix it all up. I love seeing how very excited and happy they are, and I just know that they really will be happy there. That is so wonderful. Before we knew it, it was time to go get Chrissy. I loved hearing all about her dance. She had a great time, well except that it didn't go very well with the boy she was *going to the dance with*. He didn't want to dance with her at first so she asked him why he even asked her to the dance, and he said, fine than we are not going together. Um, they were already there... LOL.. ah, the lives of 14 year olds. He later apologized and asked her to dance, but she snubbed her nose at him and went to dance with someone else. That is my girl. She said she wasn't letting any boy ruin her night, and instead she had fun with her friends. I still do not know or understand the whole story.. but I guess you have to be 14 to get it, giggle. Like I said, it brings back a lot of memories.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Another full day, and late night, and tomorrow is going to be another one. Chrissy graduates tomorrow night. I can't wait to watch that. I am so proud of her.
  2. I had fun hanging out with June tonight too, and she asked me if I was going to help her get ready for her 8th grade dance. Nothing like booking my time 6 years in advance, giggle. I told her that nothing could stop me from helping her. And I mean that too :)
  3. Time to cuddle with Stephen and go to sleep. My favorite part of the day.. cuddling with my honey. He is such a good cuddler too.

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