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Chrissy's Graduation

Chrissy's Graduation...

June 06, 2002

My little Chrissy graduated from 8th grade tonight, and I am so proud of her. It means so much to me that Stephen and I are the ones that she wanted there, above anyone else (well outside her parents and sister of course, I just mean with her extra tickets). That we mean that much to her is a wonderful thing. Stephen and I love her so very much and we are both so very proud of her.

I got to their apartment, right as they were getting back from getting Chrissy's hair done. She was so excited about getting it done, and while they invited me to go with, I just couldn't go over that early, so I met them there after wards. I was able to help her get dressed though, and put her gown on, so at least I got to do that much. I got some really cute pictures of her. She looked so beautiful. She got her hair straigthened, and omg, she loved it so much, and she looked so much older than 14. I told her that as part of her graduation gift, I would buy her a hair straightener. I have been wanting to try one of those myself, and seeing how cute her hair looked really makes me want to try it now. I wonder how I would look with straight hair. Only one way to find out.

Her graduation was so perfect! I cried when she got her diploma, of course. I was just so dang proud of her.. so proud. Stephen all night, has been talking about how we walked her to her first day of kindergarten and how it seems like it was just yesterday, and it does seem like it, but it wasn't.. she is growing up, and sometimes that is so hard to see. I miss the little girl she was, and yet I am so proud of the girl she has become. She is a good kid, with a good head on her shoulders and I think she will do wonderfully in high school.

She cried a lot after the ceremony. She is leaving most of these friends behind, as she will be going to a different high school next year. They are moving to a different school district, so it's even more like starting over for her. I know she will do really well with it, but it was so hard for her to say goodbye to her friends tonight. I felt bad for her.

We all went out to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes.. it is a salad bar buffet, which is so yummy. We had a good dinner, and a nice time sitting around talking. Chuck was teasing telling her not to let the flowers that Stephen and I got her (and the ones we got for June to give her) end up in the salad bar because she took them into the restaurant.. we were all joking around and laughing alot. It was a wonderful night, and I am glad that I got to be there for it.

Daily Tidbits

  1. They are going to have a party for her once they are settled into their house. I hope that they do, and that it doesn't get pushed to the side. She really deserves something, even if it is small. I will offer to help.
  2. Stephen is so cute, he is off looking for the pictures of us taking her to her first day of kindergarten, and of her kindergarten graduation. It amazes us how time has gone by so quickly, but I guess it is that way for everyone.
  3. I am so very tired, I can barely keep my eyes open. It's been such a long few days, and it's not going to be much easier this weekend, as we have to help them move into their new house.. and most of their family and friends have cancelled on helping them, so there is not many of us going to be there. That should make for a long, hard day.. but I am so not complaining. They would totally be there to help us, and I know it. Without a word of complaint.. they are very generous that way. I am looking forward to seeing them all settled into their new home.
  4. I better go help Stephen find these pics before he ruins every photo album I have looking fo them. He is in a sentimental mood... man, can't we just go to sleep and look for these tomorrow, giggle. I am just that tired.. I am falling alseep as I type this. I almost didn't come to write this, but it was such a special night for Chrissy that I didn't want to miss writing about it.
  5. There were alot more little things I wanted to write about tonight, but they will have to wait until I can actually see the screen. Goodnight.

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