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Lost in TV
06-05-2003, 10:12 p.m.

Last year, I got hooked on Sex and The City, a show that quite frankly never really interested me previously, but I think that I thought that it would be so different than it was. So anyway, I watched most of the season last year, and I also rented Seasons 1-3 on DVD and watched them. The only season I hadn't seen was Season 4, but that came out on DVD a while back. Yesterday, Stephen rented me the first DVD (which is episodes 1-6) saying that he would go get the other when I was done with this one, but since it was only a 2 day rental, he didn't want to get too many. Well I finished that, and have the second DVD here now, and am anxious to start watching it, hehe. I didn't even want to come and put up an entry, that is how addicted I am to this show now...imagine that, lol.

I wasn't feel well at all today. I woke up in the middle of the night with a tummy ache so bad, that I even considered waking Stephen up to take me to the ER. But it faded, and while it never quite went away, I was feeling better. However, half way thru the day at work, I ended up with a horrible migraine, and I just felt lousy overall. Stephen offered to go to his parents for our Thursday dinner by himself, but I really wanted to go. They are going to the Dells next week with Gerald's family (we decided not to go this year because the timing was wrong for us, and actually only Geralds family IS going, so I don't feel like we are missing out on too much), so we won't have dinner with them next week. I am glad that I did go, because Kevin, Nicole and Kathleen were there (as they have been a lot recently, and that is really nice). I had a lot of fun playing with Kathleen, and dinner was wonderful.

When we got home though, I really felt bad, so instead of working out, I laid down and finished watching the previously mentioned DVD of SATC. When I was finished with it, Stephen offered to go get me the next one, but I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 8:15, and realized that I still had time to get to the gym and do at least almost a full hour.. and while I still felt crappy, I knew that I would at least mentally feel better for having gone, so I got dressed and headed out. One big motivator was knowing that I was less than a mile away from another milestone on my goal of 500 miles this year, and with tonight's workout, I have now surpassed 350 miles (yay, another duckie too). I can't believe that, it is just so amazing to me. And while working out hasn't helped my headache or my tummyache, I at least feel proud that I went, and that is a good thing. And speaking of proud, go check out Tonny's new journal look. After a lot of thought and hard work, I think it turned out pretty special myself. Leave her some guestbook love while you are at it... that is always a nice thing, hehe.

Tomorrow is graduation at work, which means for a long busy day, and we have to be in early, so I better get my butt to bed soon, but not before I at least watch one episode... hey Carrie and Aiden just got back together and while I know they break up again in the future (the joys of watching a show out of order) he is just such a cutie, and I can bask in their on again off again relationship for half an hour at least. Ah the joys of TV.

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