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June 08, 2001

I woke up this morning to the sun streaming thru my window. Correction, Princess Shadow Kitty woke me up this morning by slapping me in the face.. when I finall got to up feed her (which is what I assumed she wanted, and what else would be knew), she suprised me by not wanting food, but instead wanted the windows opened. When I opened the blinds I immediately knew why. She loves the sun as much as anyone, and spends most of her days finding the most sunniest spot in the house and laying there. She has been crabby lately too (okay, funny I know, but she has been), so this was a nice treat for both of us. I laid with her as long as I could, and got up reluctantly to get up for work. I have to say, I certainly took my time getting to work today, I so didn't want to go, but I knew that I was going to be busy with this grant stuff, so my dreams of calling in sick were just that, dreams! I did call and tell my boss that I was stuck in traffic (even though it was my fault, I found every slow way I possibly could getting to work), but I so enjoyed every minute of it. I really dreaded going into my windowless office.

Stephen took me out to lunch today, so that we could get outside for an hour. I had a hot fudge sundae.. hehe, yup, that was my lunch. Well, Stephen asked me to please eat half of his sandwhich too, so that I wouldn't get a tummy ache, so I did, but it was the sundae that I really enjoyed. I am not always really a big ice cream person, but it was nice because it just seemed like a summer thing, and I really loved the warmth of the sun today. It was just so nice. When I got back from lunch, my boss gave me a huge pile of work to do, but he also said that once it was done, so was I, and that I could go home and enjoy the weather. So I did it, and was done by 2, which was awesome. I got to leave and spend the day out in the sun. I did go shopping and buy Stephen a few birthday presents (his birthday is next week), and I spent some time in the yard patching up a few holes in our pool, so that we could get that put up. It was a nice afternoon, and I wasn't about to come in, until the sun was gone. I was enjoying it as long as possible.

Tomorrow we are going to Great America. I am not sure if Stephen is going to go with or not yet. My mom and sister, and her friend might go, and if they do, then Stephen is going to go into work. If they don't, then he will go with me, so that I don't have to take the girls by myself. We are hoping that my mom goes, so that he can go to work, and then he won't have to on Sunday. Either way, I am looking forward to going with the girls. Today was their last day of school, so it will be a nice start to their summer vacation. The best part, the weather is supposed to be NICE until tomorrow night when we will get thunderstorms. Woo Hoo... another nice day. I am so excited. I can't even tell you how much my mood has improved with this nice day. I needed it.

I am spending the day with Cory on Sunday, and it is supposed to be rainy again by then, but that's okay because we are going to work on our scrapbooks and we can do that inside. Don't get me wrong, I would much prefer a nice day, but I am not going to complain, because I got one today, LOL. I've been making some little things for Cory tonight. Some scrapbooking stuff, punch art and stuff like that. I like doing little things for her, and she does a lot for me as well. Her hubby is always laughing at us, because everytime we see each other, at least one of us is saying "Oh, lookie what I got for you". We both like to give and get gifts, and we do a good job of both, LOL. I can't wait for her to see the stuff I am making her tonight.

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