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Plans? What's a Plan?

Plans? What's a Plan?

June 09, 2001

Okay, so if you know me, than you probably know that I am a planner. That's not to say that I feel that I have to follow every plan exactly how it is planned, it's just that I like a general sense of what I am doing. One thing that totally aggrevates me is to sit there and say, what do you want to do? I don't care, what do you wan't to do, over and over until you waste the whole day and have done nothing. I also cannot stand it when the plan changes every 5 seconds. How I turned out this way I will never know, since every other person in my family likes to live by the seat of their pants. My mom or sister couldn't make a plan to save their life, and to stick to one, forget it.

So I guess then, that I shouldn't have been so surprised when they called me a billion times this morning, eith a different idea of how to spend the day each time. Why I didn't just stick to my own plan of going to great america with Stephen and the girls I will never know. I guess because I am also the type of person who can't say no to the people I care about. I want to make them happy, even at the risk of my own sanity. I ended up crying more than once this morning, in frustration and anger... but eventually I made it to pick the the girls (and I was only an hour late... late, ughhh, another thing I totally hate). We went to my mom's and the plan was to go to great america for a few hours, but well, as I said before, what's a plan anyway? Instead, we went to the pool store and bought new sand for the filter of my mom's pool. For some reason, the pool was shooting out sand into the pool, and well, as you can imagine, that's not a good thing. So we decide that she and I are going to clean out the filter and replace the sand ourselves, Oh god, can you see where this is going? I have to say though, Chrissy and June were wonderful, and I was oh so proud of them. It was their idea to help Aunt Jennie fix her pool. "We can go to great america all the time with our passes" they said. I think that they were just anxious to go swimming, LOL. I guess the icky weather got to them too.

Over 4 hours later, I do indeed have the thing back together, but now I am hot, tired and miserable... but oh so happy, after all, I acomplished it right. Yah... okkkayyy, so why is the sand STILL coming thru the filter? Back to the pool store to ask why. Turns out, a little piece is broken inside the filter, which means we get to go home, take it all apart, remove the 200 pounds of sand (AGAIN), and redo it all again, with this new little piece... UUUGGGHHHH... at least I know what I am doing this time right? Actually, it only took me about an hour and a half the second time... but still, there went the whole day.

When we were finished, mom made dinner and we ate, and then everyone sat down to watch movies, while the girls and I watched the hockey game. Awwww, they were so cute, all cuddled up with me watching the game. They could have watched the movies with everyone else, but no, they wanted to watch hockey with me. That just made me so happy. (Oh, and sorry your team lost, Kristen. I did cheer them on for ya... didn't do me much good with the wolves either though, LOL).

Ok, and let's not talk even about our drive later to the park later on with the dogs. A pitch dark park, with a dog that took off, and a car that about ran out of gas... at least there was sun all day, LOL.

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