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06-08-2003, 7:08 p.m.

Hi, my name is Vicki, and I am a slacker.. pure and simple. My eating habits have sucked, more than sucked, they have been just so horrible, and I can feel the pounds creeping on, slowly and surely. Tomorrow, I am rededicating myself. Thank goodness I've been continuing to workout or I can not even imagine where I would be right now. It is so easy to get off track, and so hard to get back on. So tomorrow, I am really going to work hard at having a good day.. one day at a time, right?

I did go to the gym today, but that is about all I did... the rest of the day has been spent sitting around doing nothing but snacking. I really do need to work on that.

In fact, maybe I will go for an extra walk right now.. yah, that would be a wonderful start. It's been rainy all day but it looks okay right now, even if it is a little on the chilly side, but that is perfect walking weather.

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