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New Journal
06-10-2003, 11:01 p.m.

I am so tired!! I had a late workout tonight, because we got home a little late, and the gym has been so very crowded between 5-7 lately, so I wanted to wait until after 7. What was nice though, was that I got to really make a nice dinner for Stephen, and sit down to eat, instead of gobbling it down before I leave, or later after I get home. I even sat down and watched the rest of a movie and got to relax after work. I didn't make it to the gym until almost 8, and then by the time I got out of there, and made a few stops on the way home (to take above movie back, and the drug store to get some blister pads), it was almost 10. I painted my toe nails and finger nails, and then came online to write this, and it's already 11..yawn. I don't know.. it was nice to workout late in some ways, and harder in others.. the ups and downs I guess.

What I would like to do is start going in the mornings again, and I am really going to try to do that tomorrow morning because we are going to the sox game tomorrow after work, so I can't go then. Then Thursday night, I am meeting Chuck and June at Six Flags, so I will have to go Thursday morning too.. hopefully that will be something I can make a habit again.

I started a new journal today... a fitness journal. I am going to write more fully about my better me stuff there, but that doesn't mean that I won't talk about it some here, since it is so much a part of my life. I just wanted to be able to write even more sometimes, and let's face it, it seems to be the thing lately, hehe. Hey, if it works.

Okay, if I am going to workout in the morning, I have to get up in 6 hours... eek.. so it's off to bed I go. I am half falling asleep now anyway, so that is a good idea.

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