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Birthday Weeks
06-11-2003, 1:12 p.m.

I did manage to get up this morning, and make it to the gym, and while I was so very tired, I even managed to have a good workout. I ended up not going to sleep last night when I said I was going to. Well, I did go to bed, but Stephen and I were both in goofy moods that we ended up laughing for the longest time. He was watching a baseball game, and he kept watching the scores at the bottom of the screen to see if Minnesota won (because the sox won and if they lost we would gain a game), but every time it came time for the Minnesota score to be shown, I would have changed the channel or something else goofy. Well he finally saw the score and that they lost.. and then they showed the score for some other team (don�t remember who, but not in the same division as the Sox), and I said oh look, blah blah won! Know what that means? He said what? And I said� Absolutely nothing! Omg, we both just bust out laughing, and couldn�t stop for almost an hour.. we started laughing about the goofiest things, and while I was so tired, I didn�t care, because it was fun, one of those moments that you just love. One thing led to another, and eventually we were not laughing anymore, but having another kind of fun, giggle.. and so I don�t think that we went to sleep until after 1 this morning. So when the alarm clock went off and 5:30, I considered throwing it across the room and going back to sleep, but I was good, and I got up and dragged my butt to the gym. It�s making for a tiring day, but I also feel really great for having gone.

Tonight, we are going to the Sox game. They are giving away bobbleheads, and since we have a little collection of them going, I wanted to take Stephen. He is really excited about it too. See, I totally love my birthday, and every year, I get what we lovingly call a birthday week. I would like a whole month, but Stephen draws the line at a week, hehe. He takes me out to dinner the first day of my birthday week, and then does something nice for me every day for the rest of that week. I love it, and I look forward to it every year. Now Stephen, he is not a huge fan of his birthday, and doesn�t like people to acknowledge him too much. He never has, and I think that it's because he is a twin, and his twin sister was the only girl in the family, so she really got alot of attention on their birthday.. and while I am sure he did too, he was always content to let her have more of it. However, he seems to love it when just I do things to make his birthday special (imagine that), so this week, I decided to give him his own birthday week. We�ve had a fun time all week, and I�ve been doing lots of little things for him, and tonight�s is treating him to the Sox game. We are going again on Saturday (which is actually his birthday), with friends though, and while he likes to pretend like he doesn�t care about it being his birthday, I can tell he is liking it a little too.

Tomorrow after work, I am going to go meet Chuck and June at Great America (and hopefully Cory for dinner beforehand). Then I am bringing June home with me, and she is going to spend part of the weekend with us. We are going to go out to breakfast and to the movies on Friday (Stephen and I both took the day off), and then Saturday, she is going to the Sox game too. She is really excited about coming (especially without her sister, who we actually didn�t even invite, gasp, lol, but I knew she has plans to babysit Saturday morning), and Stephen is really excited about her coming too. It should be a fun few days, and a good addition to his birthday week.

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