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Dinner and Crafts

Dinner and Crafts ...

June 12, 2002

Tonight, I went to Rita's after work for dinner and craft night. We stopped and picked up sandwhiches and salad from Panera (yum) and then went to her house. We worked on embossing, and I do think that the more I practice, the better I get. I still have a long way to go, but it's fun, so why not. I made book marks for the gals for our books for Florida, lol. They look like something a kid made, but hey it's the thought that counts right? I hope that they get to use them in the books they are taking for laying on the beach.

I always enjoy the time that I spend with Rita. We always have things to talk about, work and family and friends, and crafts of course. We are going to have another craft night when I get back from Florida. I am going to try to find a cute stamp of neat color of embossing powder for her before then. She shared a lot of her stuff with me tonight, as she has a lot more than I do, but I really haven't wanted to buy much embossing stuff, until I was sure I was going to use it. Well, she did use all my stuff too, so I guess it was fair, but I still want to get her a nice little gift.

Today was pretty stressful at work. We have a grant deadline tomorrow for Mike, and things haven't been working out so great. It is an electronic submission, which means that a lot of things had to be scanned and added to the document, and now we have to convert it all to a pdf file... and with all the scanned images in it, it takes almost 30 minutes to convert it. Then, when I convert it, it is pushing pages out of whack, so I have to fix things and then convert it again. I ended up doing it 5 times today, and still have to at least once tomorrow, ugh. Mike keeps saying that he is lucky that I am still talking to him, but as frustrated as I got, it was not at him. He is one of the nicest guys, and he hates to bog me down with his work. I really like helping him a lot. I know how much he appreciates it, and it's always nice to help people who appreciate it.

Tomorrow is my last day of work, and then I am on VACATION!!!!! I am soooooo excited about that. I have tons of work to do tomorrow though.. hope I can get it all done, and I hope that I don't forget anything. It's always so tough getting ready to go on vacation.

Daily Tidbits

  1. With as busy as I this week at work so far, and as busy as Laura has been, I actually forgot to get my list from her for the trip, ugh.. As I was leaving, she asked when I am leaving on the trip..we totally realized that we wouldn't see each other before then again, man. She is going to email me everything I need to know. I hope she doesn't forget. I can't believe that I forgot to ask her.. with as much as Florida has been on my mind, you would think I wouldn't be able to forget.. it just doesn't seem real that we are leaving in 5 days!
  2. I have had something on my mind lately. I don't know if I am ready to talk about it or not yet.. but okay, don't laugh. I have been pretty jealous about these students that flirt with Stephen all the time. Now one of them is working in his lab for the summer, and she is always finding reasons to go by his office.. bringing him donuts, needing his help in the lab.. and it is his job, so it's not like I can complain.. but how can he not see what is going on. Maybe it is better than he can't see it.. but I hate it. Good thing I trust him so much, or I would never leave for 9 days, lol. I feel bad for getting upset about this, especially since it's not Stephen's fault, and it's nothing that he has done.. but man it just pisses me off.
  3. Did I mention that I only have one more day of work? LOL. I am just a little excited about that! I better remember to get payroll done for the next few weeks, and finish setting up the faculty senate meeting.. send an email to George and Walt about everything... remind the guys in the department that I will be gone.. finish Alex's figures, complete Mike's grant.. ugh, I am going to be swamped tomorrow.

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