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Good To Talk

Good To Talk...

June 11, 2002

I am glad that I have friends that I can talk to. No matter what the situation, we are always able to talk things out, but even more than that, we are always there to listen to one another. Friendship is such an important part of life, and they mean so much. Not everything is always easy, but it's the hard times that make us appreciate the good times. Today has been one of those good to talk days, and I had some really nice talks with my friends.

I have been thinking a lot about Sherry, who has been my friend for most of my life. We have gone thru so many stages in our lives.. sometimes she was my best friend, sometimes she was like a sister to me, sometimes we were barely talking, but no matter what, I knew that she would always be a part of my life. We have grown together over the years.. and we are close. Closer than most sisters. We are there for each other, and even when we go days without talking, I never worry that she wouldn't be there if I needed her. It's the same with most of my friendships. I am fortunate.

I tried calling Sherry tonight.. I really was in the mood to just chat with her, and hear how happy she is lately, which is pretty happy. She was still at work though, but I got to talk with Chrissy for a bit, which was nice. She is still so excited about having her own room, lol. Chuck called me later to thank us again for all that we did to help them.. and to wish me a good time on our trip, if he doesn't talk to me before then. He is a good friend too, and I am glad to call him that.

I have been thinking about my friendships a lot lately, probably because I am about to spend 9 days with my friends, and that is a big deal. I know that it's going to be wonderful, and I hope that we don't hit any snags along the way, lol. Hopefully, we got all those snags out ahead of time...I think we have.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had a great workout today at the gym. If sweating is any indication, I had an awesome workout, lol. When I got home, I knew that I needed to go to the library, and since I already worked out, my first thought was to drive there, but I decided to go ahead and walk and get that extra exercise. It was nice, because I wasn't worried about speed or distance, I just enjoyed the walk very much. I got out some books to take to Florida with me. Gotta have books to read on the beach. Maybe I should have bought some instead so I didn't worry about them getting ruined, but I will just have to be a little more careful.
  2. My sister pissed me off tonight, yet again. She only calls when she needs or wants something, and then she has a freaking attitude, and has the nerve to tell me that I am the one with the attitude. God, she is so able to rub me the wrong way. I am getting better with it though, I don't let her get to me for quite as long anymore.
  3. Remember those goal jeans that I bought a few months ago. I couldn't even get them zipped, no matter how hard I tried. I have been getting closer and closer to being able to wear them, but they were just a little too tight, until I tried them on tonight. They felt perfect!!! I was so excited, and danced around the house with them on. I remember saying that I hoped they fit by the time we went to Florida, and yay, they do.. just in time. It's funny how some 18 stuff is still too tight, and other 18 stuff is too big.. sizes should be sizes, right.
  4. At the library, I got 3 books that I knew that Stephen would like to read. They are star wars books set after the last movie.. I was right, and he is in bed reading now, awww... I like when we read together, but that's not very often, since he doesn't like reading all that much.. He goes in streaks, where he reads a lot, and then he doesn't read for a while. Okay, going to lay in bed and read too.. how sweet.

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