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On Vacation

On Vacation...

June 13, 2002

I am officially on vacation!! Yippeeeeee!!! And for the rest of the month too, as I don't have to be back to work until July 1st. And that will be a short with with the 4th of July and all, giggle. I love it. 16 days off of work! I am going to enjoy every single one of them.

Right now Stephen and I are watching the Stanley Cup Finals... Detroit is a little over 4 minutes from winning the cup.. so this is going to be a short entry, as I can't wait to sit and watch the celebration. It won't be as exciting as watching the Wolves win it, but I love watching the excitment, the celebration..watching the players skate around with the cup, and like I said before, one of my very favorite parts of a hockey playoff series is when the players shake hands at the end. That is just so classy to me. I told Stephen that we are watching the whole celebration, giggle. He usually watches it for a little bit and then turns it off when the interviews start... but I am watching it all.

Stephen is off tomorrow too, we are spending the day together for his birthday. We are not positive what we are doing yet, but it looks like we might drive out to Wisconsin to visit with his sister (it's her birthday too, duh, they are twins) and pick up his parents who are there babysitting for her. I will write more about it tomorrow.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Today was the day from hell at work, but I will write about that later too. They are a minute away from winning, so I am out of here.

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