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My Honey's Birthday

My Honey's Birthday...

June 14, 2002

A very special Happy Birthday to my Stephen. What a nice birthday he had.. we really had a very wonderful day together.

I let him sleep late, which he always loves. I got up and played online with Cory and Tonya for a bit, talking about Florida and stuff.. what else do we talk about lately, we are just all so excited, lol. We are going to have such a great time. After a bit, I got dressed and went for my walk. I didn't know what time we would be home tonight, so I wanted to get a walk in. I went further than normal today, and walked to the post office (I had planned on driving there later), and took care of some stuff I needed to take care of. When I got home, I yakked with Tonya and Cory some more, until Stephen woke up. Then we both took our showers and got ready to leave for the day.

We were headed to Wisconsin to pick up his parents, but first to spend the day visiting. We stopped for a late breakfast on the way (okay more like a lunch, but we ordered breakfast, so I guess that would make it brunch, lol). We got a little bit later start than we had planned, and it was pretty rainy so we got there later than we thought we would, but it was cute, cause the kids were all watching for us and were so excited to see us. We got to play with them and visit with Stephen's parents, until Delores and John got home from work, and then we just hung out and ordered pizzas. It was a very nice evening, and I am so glad that we went. We were laughing about it being the first birthday that Stephen and Delores have spent together in years. I think they both liked it, and everyone had a great time. We ended up staying later than we planned, but noone really wanted to leave. I took some nice pictures of Stephen and Delores together before we left though, and the pic of the day is one of them.

The ride home was pretty easy and we made good time. I am glad that we went down to pick up mom and dad, and they were glad we did too, so everyone was happy. We helped them get their stuff in the house, and then came home. We have only been home for a little bit, and it's getting pretty late, so we are just going to go to bed and watch a movie when I am done writing in here. It was a nice birthday for Stephen, and I am glad. I want all of his birthday's to be wonderful.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I got Stephen a few outfits for his birthday, which he loved, as well as the tickets for the Sox/Cubs game when I get back. He is so excited about that still, yay.
  2. My mom and dad are stopping by on their way to Indiana in the morning. I can't wait to see them. I have to run and get my dad's fathers day gift in the morning... but I got my mom a birthday gift last night. Her birthday is on Tuesday, and I won't be here, so I will give her the gift tomorrow. They are bringing Stephen's gift tomorrow too, so everyone will be getting gifts tomorrow, expect for me.. hey no fair, lol.
  3. I was going to write about my day from hell at work yesterday, but you know what.. it already seems a million days ago. Funny how just one day of vacation can make you feel so much better and erase all the bad. So you are spared from hearing all about it.
  4. The hockey game was cool to watch last night, as was the celebration when Detroit won. Stephen was laughing at me when he saw me end my journal entry so abruptly.. hey gotta have priorities.
  5. I got to hold Katelyn a ton today, hehe, and Sarah and Matthew were both so excited to see us, and we hung out with them a lot too. I don't get to see them as often as the other kids, so I really treasure the time I get to spend with them.
  6. Only 3 more wake-ups!! Woo Hoo!!
  7. Okay time to go give some birthday nookie, giggle. Hmmmm, is that for him or for me.. or both. I think we will both enjoy that one. Night everyone!

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