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A Matched Set

A Matched Set...

June 15, 2002

Today has been a very full day. It was a great day, and I've enjoyed it very much. Well, except for the fact that I was up so early again. Lately, I just can't seem to sleep past 7. I guess that is a good thing, as I don't want to sleep late during the trip, and I am not getting used to sleeping late. I want to enjoy every moment.. getting up early to walk on the beach.. yah, doesn't that just sound wonderful.

Since I was awake anyway, I decided to run out and get my grocery shopping done while Stephen was sleeping. I also ran to get father's day cards, and a birthday card for my mom. I was home before Stephen got up, hehe, so I woke him up. He was surprised when he saw that I had already been out. He had to run to his mom's though, so while he did that, I cleaned up and did some laundry. Then when he got home, I made us a nice breakfast. We really wanted to make the most of today and tomorrow, before I leave, so we really have spent all of today together.

My mom and dad came over to visit on their way to Indiana to see my grandparents. They brought Stephen his birthday present, and I gave my mom her birthday present (a very nice bird bath) which she loved. She had asked for one a while back. My dad liked his Father's day gift too... and okay, remember how I said last night that I would be the only one without a gift? I should have known better, my parents spoil me so much. They bought me a present for my trip.. a new memory card for my camera!! Now I have 3 of them, yippeee.. well 4 if you count my smaller one, and I can take tons of pictures while we are gone. I was so excited and touched. I told them that they shouldn't have done that, but they said that I deserve it, because I am such a wonderful daughter, awww, sniff sniff. I love my parents so very much. They also bought me a cute little angel figure, holding a kitty.. it was so adorable.. that was a thank you for watching the doggies tonight for them, which has actually been fun. Plus now I get to see mom and dad again tomorrow since they will have to pick up the dogs, giggle.

After they left, I ran out to get Stephen's dad's gift for Father's Day tomorrow.. and while I was at Kohls I looked at bras. I found the cutest bra, and I decided that I wanted it. Well as I was looking, I saw that they had matching panties. They were adorable, and I decided to get them. They ended up not having the white (which is what I normally get) in the right style I wanted, so I lived a little and went with a creamy color with these tiny embroidered flowers on it. Okay, can I just say how excited I was to be able to buy a matched set of panties and a bra. I don't know why they don't make these cute things in bigger sizes, but it was so exciting for me. I came home and tried them on for Stephen, and I really felt sexy in them, hehe. He loved them, and especially loved taking them off (wink). Okay, they are just a normal set..not some sexy thing, but it was such a wonderful thing to be able to wear something like this. Every day I find a new reason to be glad that I am where I am at.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Since we went to Delores and Johns last night and ate there, I made Stephen his favorite dinner of stuffed meatloaf tonight for his birthday. He was so happy about that, and it was so yummy. After dinner I took the dogs out for a walk, so I got some exercise which felt great.
  2. Tonya just called from Tennessee.. I asked her to let me know that she made it there safely and she did. Yay.. I can't believe that Jen and I will be there not so long from now.
  3. Stephen's mom was going to throw away her futon, because the kids broke it, so she gave us the mattress on it. Stephen brought it home and today we doubled up the mattress with the mattress we already had on ours, and wow, it is soooo comfy now. That will come in handy when we have overnight guests, giggle.
  4. Stephen gave me 100 dollars for my trip. He said that it is just extra mad money, awwww.. he is so sweet to me and I am going to miss him so very much. It was a total unexpected gift from him. I mean, I am already taking money from our account to go, but he wanted me to have something extra to have fun with. He really is so thoughtful in so many ways, with me anyway, even though he doesn't show that side of him to other people.
  5. Okay, I have to go walk the doggies before bed. One good thing about having them around is extra exercise. Always a good thing.

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