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Growing Up
06-12-2004, 8:51 a.m.

Today we are going to a graduation party for our nephews Jacob and Kevin. It just seems so strange to me that they are old enough to have graduated from 8th grade. I can so clearly remember when they were just little boys, running around, oh so cute. I swear, time just flies by and if you aren�t paying attention, it sorta just passes you up.

Tonny is working today, so we are taking all the girls with us, and I am really excited about that. I was really hoping that they would choose to come with us (we told them they could go to Jens for the day too, well except for June who really had no choice in the matter). It is at the forest preserves where we have our family picnics, and its going to be a lot of fun. I hope it doesn�t rain though, eek, that would be a mess. The kids can all play in the woods, and they usually have such a great time doing so, but I imagine that it would be not so much fun in the rain. It doesn�t start until 2, so I think that Ton is going to meet us over there after work (it is half way between Jen�s and our house, so it works out perfectly).

We went to see HP yesterday. It was great! Wow, what a difference in the movies though, you can really just feel the difference in everything. I can�t wait for the fourth one now. The thing that I loved though is that Stephen went with us, and more, he *wanted* to. He didn�t go see the first two, as he was so sure that he would hate HP. It took a long long time to even get him to watch it on DVD, but once he did, he was hooked and now he loves them as much as we do.. okay maybe not as much, as he still doesn�t want to read the books. I am rereading them now, for like the 12th time. I just love them, and I wish that they could include even more into the movies�that would be awesome.

Tomorrow we are going to GA again! I am really looking forward to it, especially since Cory, Jim and Andy will be going too. Andy�s first time!! Woo hoo!!! It is going to be fun. That reminds me, I need to go make his 7 month card� wow, 7 months� how is that even possible?? I tell you these kids, they just grow WAY TOO FAST. Before I know it, I will be writing that I am going to his 8th grade graduation.

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