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Father's Day
06-15-2003, 9:59 p.m.

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy and my FIL, and all the rest of you fathers, grandfathers, uncles, father-to-be's, and anyone else I missed. I hope that your day was special and wonderful. We had a great day.

I slept a little later than I had planned on, but that was okay since it meant more time cuddling up to my honey, and that is always a good thing, hehe. Finally, I had to get up because I still had to run out and get some cards to go along with the Father's Day gifts we had gotten, and I also wanted to pick up a present for Stephen from Shadow and Meowsker. Yesterday he had mentioned that he wanted to go this week to get a new hose and a new sprinkler for the yard, so I decided to go get him those things, and I got a really cute card too. He loved it of course, and have already used his gifts.

I had to hurry to get ready to leave for his game on time, but we made it there in plenty of time. We parked at his mom and dad's and he walked up to the game with Kevin, while I ran in to say Happy Father's Day to my FIL. They asked if I was going up to watch the game, and said that they wanted to go too, so we got all the kids ready and went up there. It was a great game, and Stephen's team won for the 2nd week in a row. YAY!!! They have been really coming together as a team this year, and doing much better. They might even make the playoffs this year, if they can win next week.

After the game, we went back to Stephen's parents and had lunch together, and they invited everyone for dinner too, so we decided to just stay for the day. Normally, we would be rushing over to see my dad too, but my parents are having a party next weekend to celebrate Father's Day and my mom's birthday (and Stephen's too), and my grandparents are coming in for that, so we are all going over there then. I hated not seeing my dad today, but it *was* nice not having to run all over the place today. I have to admit that it was nice. We had fun hanging out all day with Stephen's parents too, and had fun playing with all the kids and stuff. It was a really nice day, and we spent a lot of time just sitting around laughing and joking. We spent alot of time outside too, since it was such a beautiful day out. It's really been a great weekend, weather wise.

Since I didn't get a chance to go to the gym today, I went for a long walk when we got home, and it was nice to do so. Now I have some work to do that I brought home, so now I have to get busy on it.. oh fun.

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