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Up and Down
06-16-2003, 9:35 p.m.

Well, I made it up this morning, and to the gym like I had hoped to, but of course, that made for a long, tiring day. It always takes me a few days to get back on track, but I have to admit that it felt great to workout this morning. Stephen has lab 3 days a week again this quarter, and so he has to work until 5, and even getting home later today, I feel like I just had so much more time. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes not having to go to the gym at night. I even managed to go out for a walk tonight, so I got some extra in, and it felt really good (of course I ate way tooooooo much today, so that takes care of that, lol)..

I still have work to do tonight, so I am going to keep this short, but to be honest, I don't have so much to write about tonight anyway. It's funny how some nights I could totally write and write and write and not run out of things to say, and other nights I struggle for any topic... It's up and down I tell ya.

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