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On Our Way

On Our Way...

June 17, 2002

Jen just called, and they will be here in about an hour to pick me up. An hour!! Okay, so I am not even showered or dressed yet, and I still have to throw some stuff in my suitcase, but I decided to come and write one more entry before we go.

I told Jen last night (because she isn't looking forward to the road part of this trip), that if you go into this knowing it's going to be bad, than it is going to be bad.. and that if you decide it is going to be awesome, than maybe it will be. I decided to take my own advice, and while I am still certain that I am going to be homesick and miss Stephen so much, I am going to go into this positively. It's going to be an awesome experience, and I am glad that I get to do it.

My Stephen has been so wonderful. Yes, he could have gone to Florida with me, but it's really not his thing, but instead he encourages me to do with with my friends, because he knows it is something I will really enjoy. I know he is going to miss me every bit as much as I will miss him, maybe even more, since he will not be the one out there having fun, but he has really kept my spirits up in moments when I was sad about leaving him. I hope he knows how much I love him and how much I appreciate him. And I do, so very much.

I can't believe that Jen will be here in an hour, and that we will see Tonya tonight.. tonight!! It's like we've been planning this for months and months, and it always seemed like it was in the distance..and now it is here. The only thing that could make this anymore perfect would be if Cory was doing the road trip part with us. That she isn't definitely takes a little of the excitement away, but I know that we will be picking her up in Ft. Myers before we know it, and that makes it a lot better. Even if she can't meet us for 2 more days, at least she is coming, so again, thinking positively, giggle.

Okay, I need to get ready.. but I just wanted to say... See ya, lol. We are on our way.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tonight we are headed to Knoxville, and to pick up Tonny. We should be there around 6, which will give us plenty of time to sit around and visit, and swim with the kids. I am really excited about seeing Knoxville with Tonny, especially knowing how much it means to her.
  2. Tomorrow we are dropping off the kids in Charlotte and then going to Savannah. That is someplace that I've always wanted to visit, and as thus, I am so very excited about this leg of the trip. We are going on a haunted ghosts of savannah tour... hehe, gonna be scary, and fun!
  3. Then it's off to Sunny (we hope, lol) Florida! Where we get to scoop up our Cory girl, and spend 5 days just relaxing and enjoying these friendships that mean so much to us. Hurry up Cory, I am missing you so very much already. It won't be long though, will it. It's going to be everything that we hoped it would be and more, I just know it.
  4. And Cory.. don't worry, we WILL be careful and we WILL be there to pick you up on schedule.
  5. On the return trip, we are spending almost a whole day in Knoxville.. Tonny is going to show us all the places that mean something to her, which will be very awesome. I know that she is very excited that we had the opportunity to do this, and that makes it mean that much more even.
  6. Then it's back home... but that's not for 9 more days.. so goodbye friends, goodbye journal.. I will be back!! It's going to seem very strange not writing in this for 9 days, whatever will the journalling world do without me, snicker. I am sure I will have tons to catch up on though later, lol.
  7. I liked the way Jen put it.. Gone Fishing... So my pic of the day says it all. Gone Fishing!

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