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Two More Weeks

Two More Weeks...

June 19, 2001

I can make it, I can make it...I don't know how, but I can make it. I think that I am getting frustrated now... mostly because deep down I was hoping that somehow we would be ahead of the game, and that I would be able to go to the Dells with the family, but I knew all along that it just wasn't going to happen, and now that the trip is getting closer, I have to accept that I just am not going to get to go.

Part of me wishes that Stephen and the kids would be sad about going without me, but yet I can't blame them for being excited about going. I know that they will miss me, and I know that they want me to be there, but they are looking forward to it regardless, and even though it's what I want, a part of me is sad too.

I WANT TO GO WITHHHHH!!! I look forward to this trip all year long. This really sucks. The worst part is that I've been so crabby because of it all. I am trying though... I just keep telling myself that July will be here before I know it and that I will have a great time in July. Jen and Tonya will be here before I know it, and that's going to be lots of fun too.

Uggghhhh, we are at critical points on this grant now though, and that means that it's harder now and more important that I be very careful with it. I am exhausted by the time I get home from work each day, mentally exhausted. I had a few of the other Administrative Assistants offer me help today if I need it, but I want to do it by myself. As much as I might complain, I am proud of myself for doing it too. Go figure....hehe

Word got out at work today that I went to the Nsync concert this weekend. I was teased a bit by some of the guys at work, but believe it or not, alot of the women were like... heyyyy, I wanted to gooo, and wanted to hear all about it. It was cute. Cory found a site with pictures from the night that we went, and it was neat to look at them, especially since I was sad that I didn't take my camera to take my own pics... now I can print those out and use them for my scrapbook. That worked out well.

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