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Sometimes You Just Need to Talk

Sometimes You Just Need to Talk...

June 20, 2001

Stephen and I have been bickering for over a week now. It seems like he has a smart ass comment for anything and everything, or when I say something he just rolls his eyes or whatever. The thing I didn't realize is that I've been doing the same thing to him. The hard part is that whenever we try to talk about it, we just end up arguing, and walking away and not accomplishing anything. So today, I wrote him a letter and told him that I was sorry about everything that was going on, and that it bothers me and that I wish we could find a way to talk about it.

It really helped, because at lunch time, we just went and really talked it all out. He has been making comments lately about any money that I spend, and I asked him what that is all about. He admitted that he is worried about going on this trip without me. This is the first time he is going on vacation without me, and he just isn't sure about how much money he can spend and this and that, since I am the one who always takes care of the money stuff. I guess that I should have been telling him all along how much money he will be able to spend and all that, but it never occured to me that he would worry about it. I have budgetted plenty of money for him for the trip, I just figured I would tell him before he left.

I told him that my problem has been that I am sad that I don't get to go. He said, he would gladly stay home and do my work for me so that I could go, LOL. He would rather stay home and I would rather go, and it is just so backwards for us this way. I am glad that we were able to talk about it, and I think that we both feel better than we have in a few days. The thing is, I know that once he is there, he is going to have a great time, and once they get back, I will be perfectly fine about having missed it.

Sometimes just talking it out helps. It is just getting to that part that is hard. We both tend to fight about stupid stuff when we are upset, rather than just coming out and saying what is bothering us. I guess that is something that we need to work on.

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