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So Much For That Plan
06-20-2003, 10:37 a.m.

I tell you, in my family, there is no sense in making plans, because they change every five minutes anyway. We were supposed to go to my mom and dad's on Sunday for a combination birthday/father's day party, but now, I guess my grandparents don't want to stay that long, and so my mom wants us to come out tonight. Stephen already has plans, so it looks like I will be going alone. The funny part was that we were going to drive into work together this morning, but for some reason, I said I wanted to go alone, so that I could start shopping on my way home for gifts.. so much for that.

I took half the day off today, so I am going to head out that way straight from work, but now I will have to stop and buy gifts, and get a new outfit too (oh the horror, snicker). And now, I am not going to do the year of gifts for my mom but instead we are talking about doing a small vacation together. That will be totally cool and I am not sad about that, that is for sure.. but I am sad that I have to cancel on Jen now.. sigh.. I was looking forward to that.

I have soooooooooooooooooo much work to do this weekend though, because our next Faculty senate meeting is on Wednesday, so I am going to come into work for a couple of hours tomorrow before I go home. Man, this weekend started out one way, but it sure has changed into something else. I tell you, why I bother to make plans with my family is beyond me. They are such fly by the seat people.

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