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Hair Done Right
06-19-2003, 9:43 p.m.

I know that I said this back when my hair got all messed up two months ago, but I really learned my lesson about going to people that I don't know. I had an appointment tonight with Nicki, to do my highlights and the such, and let me tell you, I've been waiting for the chance to go get it done, since I hated it so much last time. However, with as much as it costs, I can barely afford to have it done every two-three months as I have been, let alone more often, so I didn't want to rush it either. They did fix it, and at first it looked really good again, but as it lightened up, the highlights were right on top of each other, and I hated it.. oh it was liveable, but it just wasn't the way I really like it.

So I get there tonight, and Nicki comes out to tell me that she will be with me shortly (I had gotten there early), and she took one look at me and says.. Vicki, I didn't do your hair like that! LOL.. I laughed, and said, ah, you didn't hear.. I came while you were on vacation... she got a kick out of the story, and said, that's what you get for cheating on me, hehe. She was really sorry about it though, and promised to give me fair warnging before she takes vacations from now on, lol. She asked if she could do something a little different, and we did highlights and lowlights instead of highlights with a color touch up. I was a little nervous, but I trust her totally, and know that she knows what I like.. and wow, it turned out beautiful.. even better than normal. I am going to do this again next time, it's amazing how much it adds to my hair, and I can tell that it will take longer for my roots to look bad too, yay! The only thing is that it takes so long to do, and I was there for almost 2 and a half hours.. but wanna know a secret? I totally love having my hair done, so taking longer is just a plus, hehe. No complaints out of me tonight. This was a much better experience.


I decided what to do for my mom for her birthday. I am going to make her a birthday basket.. a basket filled with 12 presents.. a really nice one to open at her party, and then others that are marked to be opened on the 18th of each of the next 11 months. A year of presents! Since my mom totally loves getting presents, this will be a present that will last a whole year. I am really so very excited about doing this, and although I am going to have to work my butt off tomorrow and Friday finding 12 gifts instead of just one, it is totally worth it. I am going to run out to Jen's on Saturday and go shopping downtown with her.. they have the cutest shops, and I know that I can find a lot of the monthly gifts there. I want to get like an ornament for December, some candles for September and some other ideas that way. I am still going back and forth on the big gift, but I have some ideas... this is going to be so much fun, and I know she is going to LOVE it!

My grandparents came in tonight, and so my mom and gram are out galavanting, hehe.. I am so happy that they are having fun, and I was tempted to go galavant with them this weekend, but now I have to shop shop shop. I can't wait to see them on Sunday though. It's going to be a fun fun weekend, and now I get to shop with Jen, which is a total bonus. Watch out Jen, we are going into the smelly stores, giggle.

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