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06-22-2003, 8:42 p.m.

So in my last entry, when I wrote that the weekend was shaping up to be nothing like I planned, I had no idea just how right that statement would prove to be. I decided to go take my mom out for lunch on Friday, and then we went back to her work, to look at vacations and the such. Eventually, I headed out and headed for her house, stopping at a travel agency on the way. Somewhere between her work and her house however, I started feeling no so great, and that just sorta grew into really not good at all.

By the time my mom made it home from work, I really felt down-right miserable. I didn't want to ruin the night though, so when mom and gram asked if I was ready to go shopping, I went. By the time we made it to the store, I knew I was in trouble.. and when I had to run outside to throw up, it was pretty clear. We left right away to go back to mom's house, but she had to pull over several times for me to throw up. The rest of the night was pretty much the same, which really sucked.

When we got up in the morning, I felt a little better for a few minutes, but it all came back pretty quickly. I tried to go for a walk with mom and gram and made it all of 3 feet before I threw up again. It was time for me to go home and get into my own bed. The ride home was horrible, but I made it, and it was all I could to do crawl into my jammies and go to sleep on the couch. I pretty much spent the whole day there, with Stephen, but I was out of it for the most part. I did stop throwing up eventually, and even started eating some, but I still felt horrible.

Today was much of the same. I am not throwing up anymore, but I feel weak and out of it. I did manage to get out of bed long enough to go for a walk tonight, but it really tired me out so much. Still, all this inactivity was getting to me, so I am glad that I went. Plus, I really need to go to work tomorrow, so I need to get better. I have a huge meeting on Wednesday and I had planned on going into work one day this weekend, and obviously this never happened, so tomorrow will be a busy day for me. Okay, back to bed, where I feel the best. I got my new Harry Potter book yesterday in the mail, and while I had a hard time concentrating on it yesterday, I've really enjoyed reading it today, so I am going to read some more and try to get some more sleep. Goodnight.

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