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No Themes Here
06-23-2003, 7:34 p.m.

I feel like I have missed on writing so many things, since I didn't really write while I was sick... I don't know if any of it matters, but I figured it would be a good way to catch up and hop back into the swing of things.. so this is going to be a non-flowing entry, that is for sure.. no themes tonight.

First off, I am feeling a little better, although not perfect. I feel a little queasy from time to time still, and I get really tired pretty quickly, no matter what I am doing, so work was a little rough, there were a few times that I just wanted to put my head down and take a nap. I made it through the day though, so that's a good thing. I came home and went to the gym, sure that I was going to have a horrible workout, but I was able to make it through an hour on the treadmill, so I was pretty excited about that. I was mostly worried that I would get shin splints, as I am prone to get after a few days of missed workouts, but I didn't at all, and was able to get up to almost full speed, so yay about that. It helps that I had my Harry Potter book to read, hehe, that made the time go by quickly. I have been enjoying that thouroughly I have to say. I couldn't wait for it to come out, and it's been every bit as good as I hoped it would be.. definitely worth the wait.

Man, it's been hot out the past few days, and the house has been getting hotter and hotter. Stephen has been asking if I wanted to turn on the air, but I haven't been too bad, which is totally the opposite for us normally, but I could tell that he had trouble sleeping last night, so I gave in and turned it on tonight.. man, with the windows closed now, it is sooooooo hot in here, so I hope it cools off fastly, hehe.

My FIL broke his arm, up near his shoulder this week. He was taking the garbage out and tripped over the hose, that one of the kids left out. He had a black eye, and his face was messed up a little, but he didn't want to go to the doctor.. but my MIL could see that he was favoring his arm, so she took him to the ER, and yup, it's broken.. man. Hopefully he will be on the mend quickly. He is in a lot of pain now, so I really feel bad for him.

The girls have been calling me from New York almost every day!!! I didn't think that they would, but I've been so thrilled. They have been dying to tell me all the fun things that they are doing, and they are having a great time. Today they were going to Niagra Falls, and Juney kept telling me that she was getting me a present there, and I think she was the most excited about that. I guess that Sherry told her that she can pick it out herself, so it should be interesting to see what she comes up with. She is too cute, and I miss her sooooooo very much. Heck, I miss all of them, and I am secretly glad that they are coming home tomorrow, hehe. I can't wait to see them all.

Cory and Jim are in the Dells right now. They went on a last minute vacation together, and I am so thrilled that they did. I know how badly Cory just wanted to get away and I know that they are having tons of fun, but I miss her too.

Tomorrow is lunch with Tricia and Jen!! Yay!! We haven't gone in a while, and I am really really looking forward to getting out with friends. It will be a busy day getting stuff ready for my meeting on Wednesday, but I could use the break, that is for sure.

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