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Worst Case Scenerios
06-25-2003, 9:34 a.m.

If there is a worst case scenerio, it's going to find us. That is what Stephen always says, and I think I believe him. I tell you, if we had any luck at all, we would be in trouble. Let's see, where to start.

The other night, we turned our our air finally. I say finally because Stephen had been asking me to turn it on for weeks, but I wasn't ready to, so I resisted, but then it got too hot and there was just no choice. Have I mentioned that I am a crab-ass when I am hot? So is he, so without AC, we would end up divorced or killing each other, hehe. I can't sleep when I am hot either, and again neither can he. I think I was born part eskimo, cause my mother is the same way.. in fact, she will keep her windows open in the winter, freezing my dad out of the room, lol. Anyway, that is neither here nor there... We turn on the AC, and it's blowing, good right? Well it would be if the air it was blowing got cold.. but nothing... so we turn it off, suffer through a hot night, and call yesterday morning to get someone out to see what is wrong.

What is wrong is that we need a whole new system.. oh yay! 1300 dollars of yay. Now I don't know about you, but Stephen and I live pretty much check to check, with enough extra once in a while to have a little fun. I am horrible with credit cards and get us into lots and lots of trouble, so we have done away with them, and have vowed never to go back to that bad bad place, so not like we can charge it (thank god), so there goes my vacation fund, plus whatever else... okay, I can handle that, I mean, we HAVE to have AC.. that is just all there is to it. So we set up the appointment for them to come and install the new one this morning, and we whine about it a little, but figure well these things happen, let's not let it upset us.

So then, I go on the computer to upload a file that I need for the Faculty Senate meeting tonight, and guess what? Our computer finally dies... now I knew it was coming, but hello, what the hell is with this timing?????? I mean, really! I am afraid to even ask what else can happen, cause believe me, I know that there is alot more. I guess that we are going to wait a couple of weeks, and then go get a new computer. I was able to get it running enough to back up my pictures and stuff, and really, that is all I cared about. I don't even mind that I don't have a computer at home for a few weeks except for the fact that it means that I can not write in my journal from home. That means a lot fewer entries (will you miss me?), but again, I can live with that. I mean, really, I am alive, Stephen is alive, the people we love and care for are okay.. that is what matters. The rest will take care of itself, maybe not as quickly as we would hope, and there will be some sacrifices, but it's not the end of the world. At least we will have a cold house to sit in while we are broke and unable to do anything else, hehe. And we have each other, that's what I told Stephen last night, when he asked why I was laughing about it... because honey, it's stuff that is bound to happen, and together we will get through it all.. it's not the end of the world, nor is it really anything all that horrible.. we have our health, our families, our friends, our jobs, and each other... I am happy.

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