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Not so Snug as a Bug
06-26-2003, 4:17 a.m.

We found out that my FIL needs to have surgery on his arm... the break is too high up, close to his shoulder and they can't set it, and it's not going to heal correctly if they try. So he is having surgery on Friday to repair the arm. Please, send a few prayers his way. They say that everything will be fine, and I am sure it will be, but a few extra prayers never hurt anyone.

So, what am I doing here and how? Well, I really thought that I would be sleeping so well tonight since the house is finally cool (yay) and I haven't slept well at all for the past few nights, but as Cory describes it from time to time, my brain just wouldn't turn off. It is funny because as we were going to bed, I kept telling Stephen how I felt as snug as a bug, because I was able to cuddle up under my covers (I am definitely a blanket snuggler, and for the past few days, we were not able to use a blanket at all because it was too hot), and he said I would be dead to the world until morning, but I kept waking up with the strangest dreams and stuff, and finally I just gave up. I was going to go lay on the couch and read some of Harry Potter (which is an awesome book by the way), but for some reason, I decided to come and play with this stupid machine some more. I don't know what the heck I did, but whatever it was, it fixed it enough to use it somewhat. I was totally surprised, cause I didn't expect it to work, but I am not going to complain. Not one bit.

See, I went tonight looking at computers, and at what we could afford right now (well next week anyway), and what I would really like to get. And honestly, if I am going to spend money on a new computer, it doesn't make sense to just settle on one. So the longer I can keep this working, the more I can save towards the new one, and the better the one I can get. I had already decided that I was going to wait and get the better one, and so if I can use this at least sporadically that will make the wait so much easier. I guess that God was looking out for me, because this one seems to be working, for now... at least somewhat.

Speaking of working, our new AC is wonderful, and our house is now down to 70 degrees. Not an easy feat considering that at this time yesterday, it was over 90 degrees in the house, and considering that it was almost 100 degrees outside all day yesterday. Still, it's humming along, and I am so grateful for that. I really am glad that we were able to get it fixed right away, I so hate being hot, lol.

It's funny how addicted I've become to diaryland. I tell you, one of the biggest things to me about thinking that I wouldn't have a computer at home for a while, was my journal. I love keeping this journal, and I love being able to look back on it. I also love reading everyone else's journals too, and while I could still do that at work, it just wasn't the same. It's funny how much we become dependent on machines, like computers and air conditioners.. and how little we really appreciate them until they are not running so well, hehe. Still though, like I said in my last entry, there are so many worse things that could happen. I don't want to know what they are though, ok? LOL.

I wanted to write about my meeting and about some news that I found out regarding that stuff, but I am starting to get sleepy finally (yay again), so I am going to see if I can get a couple more hours of sleep. That would be so nice. Before I go though, thank you all for the nice messages.. made me smile, a lot. I am so glad that this is working somewhat, yay, and while I know a new computer purchase is something that is going to have to take place in my near future, it's nice to know that I won't be so cut off until then.

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