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Catching Up on Sleep
06-26-2003, 10:14 p.m.

Just a quick entry tonight... I came home from work, so tired and miserable, that I just went straight to bed, and proceeded to sleep the whole evening away. I woke up because the phone rang. It my was my MIL giving us the information for FILs surgery tomorrow afternoon. I was going to go back to sleep, but I was so hungry from skipping dinner, so I ate really quick, and woke up. I am still so tired though, so I am going to go back and try to go back to sleep for the evening. I tell you, after not sleeping well for 4 nights in a row, it will be so nice to have a good night sleep tonight (even if I did nap for over 3 hours, hehe). I already feel much better.... wish me luck going back to sleep, after a 3 hour nap, I will need it.

Oh, and not that this is just an "oh" item by any means.. but we booked our cruise today!! August 31! (it works out so well, my cousin is getting married August 30th, and we couldn't miss that, and I am going to Florida at the beginning of August, so it was hard finding a cruise to work date wise). It is a 7 Day cruise to the Eastern Carribean. I am going with my mom and dad. It was supposed to be just my mom and I, but my dad begged us to come, hehe, so we let him, but only under the condition that he is the 3rd wheel, not me, hehe. I begged Stephen to come too, but he didn't want to. The timing is really bad for him (our classes start the day after I get back, but whereas I will be prepared for them by the end of July, August is his busy time), and he really doesn't like to go anywhere anyway. Good thing he doesn't mind me going places without him.. heck, he prefers it.. the fool, giggle. I will tell you more about it tomorrow, and the tomorrow after.. I've done not much more than talk about it all day. Never been on a cruise before and I am so very excited.

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