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Busy Days
06-28-2003, 10:04 p.m.

I got online last night to write an entry, about how I looked at computers, and how I was thinking that maybe I could get my computer to last a while longer so that I could save my money for my upcoming vacations, but as I was writing that entry, the computer started doing some really strange things, thus reminding me that it wasn't going to last long. So I shut it down, and talked to Stephen. He had told me to get whatever I wanted (computer wise), and that he just wanted me to be happy (his standard answer for most things, hehe), but I really wanted his input too. There were two choices.. I found a computer that we could afford.. not too expensive really, and yet it had all the important features that I wanted.. well minus a few that I would have loved, but were way more expensive. Or.. I could wait a week, and buy a really super one that would have everything I could want and more. We weighed these options, and while Stephen said that he totally would be okay with getting the nicer one, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn't need it. The less expensive one was perfect, and yet it wouldn't break us too much... so this morning, I bought it! I love it! I do not regret not getting the more expensive one at all either, this one is perfect for what I need it to be. SO yay! I have a new computer, and it's awesome. It came with the neatest keyboard too, with lots of shortcut that just tickled me.. the calculator key. Now that might sound silly, but man, I use the calculator (several times a day) to add up my minutes from working out, and to add up my miles when I am doing these entries, so it's just such a cute addition. I have been playing with this thing all night long getting it set up.. and while I still have lots to do, I am going to just write this entry and then go spend some time with my honey.. this is not going anywhere, and I can play more later.

I've had a really nice day actually. I got up this morning, early, and headed out to the gym. It was a little early though, so I stopped at walmart to kill a few minutes, and ended up buying the cutest sun dresses, for so cheap. I cannot believe that I am fitting into cheap cute clothes now, I mean really, they make these clothes so small (or at least I used to think so)... one fits really nice, and I am going to wear it tomorrow for my cousin's bridal shower, and the other is just a bit snug, so that is my goal dress for my cruise. It's adorable though, and for 12 bucks, I couldn't resist. I made it to the gym shortly after they opened, and I had an awesome workout, and then I stopped to get my eyebrows waxed, picked up a bagel for breakfast and then headed over to Best Buy to get my new computer. By the time I got home, I was exhausted, hehe, but I took a shower, and got dressed, and then started to hook up the computer while I waited for Cory to get here. We had a great day, shopping for maternity patterns and clothes, and going out to lunch. I really enjoyed her company, and I am so glad that she decided to come over here, instead of meeting at work yesterday like we were going to. This was much nicer. She treated me to a yummy lunch at Olive Garden too (thanks again Pokey), which was really nice, and then we came back here and hung out a bit before she had to head home. After she left, I finished putting the computer up and started setting it up.

Stephen and I talked about going to the movies to see Charlie's Angels but thought that it might be too crowded since it is Saturday night, so instead we went out for a late dinner. I am sure I will regret that later, but it was yummy and fun to be out with him, so I don't care one bit. I have been doing sooooo great all week long, so I deserved it too. It's when I get off track for weeks on end that it's a bad thing, and that is not going to happen this time. I have been so proud of myself this week, and really have been feeling good about it all and I am not going to give that up for nothing. Those dresses today were such a pick me up, and really really really made me feel good about myself. Another thing that made me feel so good about myself too, was this dress that Cory brought over. It is one that I bought a couple years back before I started losing weight, and it's beautiful.. a velvet one, that I never got to wear and gave to her. She never has worn it either and the tags are on it still... but we thought I could get it taken in, for my cruise.. cause it would be perfect for one of the formal nights.. a very nice style. Well, I tried it on, and it was such a neat feeling, because it used to be snug on me, and now.. wow, it's very very loose.. I wanted to cry, it really showed me how far I've come, and I needed that.

In other good news, my FIL had his surgery yesterday and did very well. He was even coming home this evening, so that is a great thing. It will take six weeks for him to recover, but at least he is on the right road...yay. We are going to go over there tomorrow morning to see him before Stephen's game. We were going to go over tonight, but he has been sleeping, so we waited.

Stephen is so excited about his game tomorrow.. they have won the past 4 in a row, and if they win tomorrow, they will make the play offs. I hope so, because I know how much it will mean to him. He is so excited about me coming to see it too.. he wants me to video tape it for him. Luckily my cousin's shower is not until later at 4, so I am able to do both things. Gonna be a busy day tomorrow again, but what else is new, hehe. I swear, I think that every weekend all summer long is like this, I should be used to that.

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