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Playoffs and Showers
06-29-2003, 9:17 p.m.

Today has turned out to be a really nice day. I got up early so that I could at least work out for half an hour at the gym. I figured that it was better than nothing, and with everything else I had to do today, I knew it would be the only time I had. I am glad that I went, and even though it was only half of what I normally do, it felt great. Afterwards I rushed home and got ready to go to Stephen's game.

He was so excited and nervous about this game. He wanted to win so bad, worse than I ever seen him want to win before, and I really wanted the same thing. All the guys were really nervous before they game, and I realized that this is the first time, in four years of this team, that they actually had a shot at the play-offs, and that was such a big deal to them. I was so axious too, so that was fun. I video-taped the game for them, and I swear that I couldn't resist making comments sometimes, so I think that is going to be funny to watch. The team they played today is a team that I HATE so much. They are cocky and rude, and rough and just plain out jerks to be honest, and more than the playoffs, I wanted to beat this team, just because you could tell that they didn't think we could. In fact, at one point, Stephen's team was up, and the other team called a time out, and could be heard yelling at each other... they were losing their composure fast. They got yelled at by the refs once or twice, for throwing the ball very hard after a whistle, almost missing Stephen's head once, and the refs head the second time... and the thing is, the one ref is VERY friendly with this team, and can often be found standing around joking around with them.. and he is the one who yelled at them. It was a fairly called game for once, and at the end it was VERY close!!! I was actually shaking the last minute of the game.. it was tied.. but Stephen's team came out on top.. 48-44! YAY!!! They are in the playoffs, and a happier bunch of guys could not be found today. I am so thrilled for all of them, but mostly for Stephen. He is just so happy.

We hung out at my MIL and FILs for a couple of hours after the game, and had lunch with them, Kevin and some of the kids. It was a nice afternoon, and it was good seeing my FIL doing pretty well. He is still in a bit of pain, but in good spirits, and I know that he will come through this alright.

We couldn't stay too long though, because I had to get home and get ready for my cousin's bridal shower... he and his fiance are getting married at the end of August, and I was going with my mom. My dad actually ended up coming over there after work too, which was nice, and the place they had the shower at is wonderful.. my mom and dad love this restaurant actually and go there often with my uncle and aunt, but it was my first time. It was neat, because in the room, there were lots of booth, and a few big tables, so I got to sit at a booth with my mom and dad and one of my dad's cousins. My grandfather had a twin brother, and this was his brother's daugther... and man, she and my dad look a lot alike.. and she is one of his cousin's that I have always liked. So we had a really nice time. The shower was a whole lot of fun, and the food was excellent. I was so impressed, I don't think I've ever had such great food at a shower... you got to order what you wanted from several choices, and I had chicken vesuvio, but my dad had orange roughy that looked so good, that I almost wished I had gotten that.. but the chicken was awesome too... as was everything else. They played Bingo, and some other game, and my mom and I both won a couple gifts, hehe... some really neat shampoo and conditioner sets that we are going to save for our cruise too, lol.

Now I am going to go watch Sex and the City.. I had to call Stephen to tape it for me, because the shower lasted later than I expected, but it was a great time. I am really excited about my cousin's wedding too... I really want to find a spectacular dress to wear.. and that is the day before our cruise too.. so I am really going to work hard to lose some poundage before then, hehe. Wish me luck.

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