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Changes All Around
06-30-2003, 9:08 p.m.

I tell you, my family drives me nuts sometimes, lol. I don't know, they just do. Of course, I would not trade them for the world, but they do drive me insane. We are supposed to be going to my grams this weekend for the 4th, and such.. but I have no clue what is going on now. I guess that my gram told my mom that she didn't want my sister to come (because my sister's boyfriend is a black man). I mean, okay, fine, if that is the way you feel.. but how is my mom supposed to react to that? She feels like, how can I go someplace where my child is not welcome, especially since it is her own mother's house... so now my mom has a tough decision to make. The 4th is my gram's birthday, and my uncle is coming from China.. and a whole lot of things, and Krystal was hurt, but she told my mom that she should still go. But my mom might choose to stay home, and if she does, we are staying home too, and then we can have a a big bbq at her house on the fourth. I don't know what will happen, but the next few days should be interesting to stay the least. I told her that whatever she decides, I will stand by that.. and I will. I was looking forward to going to Indiana, but not without my parents... besides if we DO end up staying home, it would work out better for us anyway since our niece Kathleen's 1st birthday party is Saturday and we didn't want to miss that, and we were going to have to.

Wednesday, I am going to go meet Chuck and the girls at Six Flags after work for a couple of hours, so that should be fun, and then they are going to come home with me for the weekend. I have to work on Thursday, but then I am off on Friday and Monday for the 4th, so they are going to stay over until Monday night. That will be fun, and even though I am not sure exactly what is going on yet, I know that we will have a good time. One thing is for sure, June and Stephen are dying to see Charlie's Angels, so that is one thing we are definitely doing. I think the best part though is having a 4 day weekend, giggle.. those are always a good thing.

We found out our raises today, which go into effect the 1st of July... We got 4% this year, which is less than previous years, but still alot more than a lot of people are getting these days. Heck, I am grateful to have a job, and one that I am secure in too. One thing that I am not worried about is really losing my job or getting laid off, and in today's world, that is a good feeling. I am so glad that we work for the company that we do.. things are still growing there, and it's a good company to work for.

Stephen's got some changes coming at work, and I guess, so am I now... his boss was offered the position of Dean of Students, which means she is leaving his department. I thought that he would be upset about it, and he isn't happy, but he isn't worried either, because we know who is taking over... and that is his bosses husband... who happens to be my boss in the Faculty Senate... Now this effects me why? Because chairmen of departments cannot serve on the faculty senate which means that he will have to resign from there... ugh.. I don't know who will end up being Chair, but I hope that it is someone that I can stand to work for/with. I don't know what is going to happen, but I am sure that it's going to be okay in the end. Heck, I've come so far with that stuff to begin with and I am really growing in the position... so we'll see... I am not as nervous as I would have been once upon a time.

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