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Relaxing...Nothing More...

Relaxing...Nothing More...

June 22, 2001

Stephen was supposed to take me to play miniature golf tonight, but now it is drizzling a little, so we can't go. At first, I was sad, because I was really looking forward to going, but really when I thought about it, staying home and relaxing tonight sounds devine. I had such an icky day at work. Well it wasn't so much icky as it was really busy, but that's been par for the course lately.

Next week is going to be worse. The end is in sight, but until then, it's going to be a week from hell. My boss has already asked me to come in a 6 am next week, which means, I have to leave the house about 5:15... ugggggghhhh... It's going to be a longggg week. The worst part of it is that my intention was to spend a few nights out by Cory's house and my mom's too, but now I just am not going to be able to do that. I so cannot see myself getting up at 4:00 at their houses to get to work on time. No thank you. Instead, I will go hang out at Cory's house Sunday evening for a few hours and see my mom next weekened or whatever. I think I might ask my sister to come spend the night with me one night too, just so that I don't have to be alone the whole week.

Tomorrow I have to pick the girls up, and then take them shopping for new clothes. I also have to go buy all the groceries for their trip, and then pack them all up. Okay, I don't even get to go on this trip, and I still have to do all the work, how fair is that? Really, I don't care... I just am going to miss them sooooooo much.

Well I think I will go read a book, or watch TV or work on my scrapbook stuff. Heck it is a Friday night, I can do all of the above, because I don't have to work tomorrow!!!! Yipppppeeeeee, a day to recoup from this week. I need it!

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