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And They're Gone

And They're Gone...

June 24, 2001

And I miss them terribly, especially now, late at night when I should be sleeping but don't know how. I am so bad about going to sleep when Stephen is not home. Even when he is home I whine for him to at least lay in bed with me until I fall asleep. Something about knowing that he is right there next to me just makes me feel so safe, like nothing can hurt me while I sleep. He is my protector, my best friend, the love of my life. I knew this was going to be hard, I knew I would miss him, but I forgot how awful the nights would be. This is the very first time in our almost 10 years of marriage, that Stephen has gone somewhere without me. Usually it is me, going places without him, and while I miss him lots then too, it's different, because I am off having fun, and he is the one at home. I don't think I like this change of events, LOL.

We got up and kinda just goofed off around the house with the girls. Finished up laundry and cleaned the kitchen and I made blueberry muffins for breakfast. But all too soon, it was time to pack the car. June and I drove over to Stephen's parents house while Stephen followed with Chrissy.. and then it was time for me to say goodbye and be on my way. I was sad, and yes I even cried. My Father in law tried to talk me into going, but well I am nothing if not devoted, and that includes to my job. So I kissed them all and said goodbye and headed to my mom's house. Okay, so I proceeded to cry most of the way there, but heck, I am entitled. Little did I know that I would see Stephen and the girls again.. LOL

After I was at my mom's for about an hour, I ran into the house to get something. I had been helping her mow the lawn and that kind of stuff, and I noticed that Stephen had been trying to call my cell. So I called him back. Seems he lost his parents and aunt, who he had been following. He also forgot to take the map, and since he knew he would be following them anyway, he didn't go back and get it. Well, now he was stuck, without a map and with noone to follow. So he had to back track a little bit to my mom's house so I could print him out another map. He is so not good with directions to begin with so he was totally frustrated and so ready to not even go anymore. If not for the girls, I bet he would have just went home. But I got him back on his way, and was happy that I got to share a few more kisses with him and the girls. They left me a message later that they got there arlight and that they are having a wonderful time already. I am glad to hear that.

After they left, I swam with my mom for a few hours, and then we went out to dinner with my dad. Afterwards I was heading to Cory's, but she had called and said that everyone was still there (She had thrown her SIL a baby shower today). I turned around to head home instead, but then decided what the heck, she really sounded like she wanted me to come, even though she was saying that I didn't have to. So I went anyway, and I was glad I was. Especially when she looked so happy to see me. That just really made me feel loved and wanted and I was glad to see her too. I helped pick up a little from the party and then we spent the evening hanging out with her mom. Her mom is really nice, and I enjoyed it. After her mom left, we worked on making each other some punchies, and then all too soon it was late and I had to go.

So I drove home, and did a few things around here, and now I am thinking I better get to bed. After all, I do have to be up in about 5 hours.. uggghhh... it's going to be a long long week. I hope it goes quickly. I hope that Stephen and the girls are sleeping all happy right now, and that they have a great vacation. I know they miss me, and I miss them too, but as much as I miss them, I am glad that they went. I never wanted them to not go, I just wanted to go too... oh well, can't have everything we want, and maybe that helps us to appreciate the things do do get. Who knows... Goodnight :)

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