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Take Five

Take Five...

June 25, 2001

So I've already been at it for 7 hours non-stop today, and I have a few hours yet to go today, but at least we are almost one day closer to being finished.. that's a start right. My only saving grace at this point is that there is a deadline and so we can't drag it out any further than this week. To me that is a good thing... to Walt, he would sell his soul for a few extra days at this point. I've never seen him so worried before about a grant application, or maybe it's just that it's been 4 years since the last time he had to do one and in those years I forgot how bad he gets about them. The good thing is that this grant he is applying for is a 5 year grant, which means I would have a few years to forget again. Of course, I still have 3 other faculty members who apply for their own grants, but thank goodness that they don't each do one every year. I would go nuts, that is for sure.

I can't wait to be able to head home tonight. I am exhausted. It might be that I stayed up until after 1 last night. I know that I so didn't want to get up this morning, but I had horrible dreams all night long, so in a way, I guess I did want to get up. Something like that anyway.

So tonight, let's see... I think that I am going to stop on the way home and pick up a few groceries. I told Krystal that I would make sausage and onions and peppers in the crock pot tomorrow, and then Sherry and Chuck are going to come over for dinner on Wednesday. Then I need to stop and pick up some pool chemicals, oh yay. Then when I get home, I think that I will blow up the raft and go lay in the pool for a while with my book. A nap sounds really good, but then I will just be up late again, so instead I think I will just relax. What better way than in the pool with a good book? Oh, that does sound so heavenly. Thank Goodness Stephen made me put the pool up before they left, I could kiss him for that. Or maybe I am just thinking about kissing him because I can't. LOL. I realized today just how much I love working with him, and how much I love looking up and seeing him walk by... just seeing him. Boy, I miss him. I keep wishing he would call, just to say hello.. but I told him that he didn't need to call me, to just have fun. Why didn't I ask him to call? I should have.

After the pool this evening, I think that I will work on my scrapbook stuff a little more. I really have been wanting to start on Sherry's Wedding Album, now that I finally have a plan on how I want to do it, but yet I keep telling myself... you only have 3 more months worth of pictures to finish for 2000... keep going, you are getting there. Decisions, Decisions... who knows what I will end up doing.

Alright, so the five minute break I gave myself has extended into 10.. hehe.. Oh well, back to work...

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