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What a Day

What a Day...

June 28, 2001

I have so much that I want to write about, and yet here I sit, oh so tired, and realize that it's already 11:30. Now how did that happen? Where did this day go? Oh, I know.. I worked most of it, LOL. I worked 12 hours today, and boy did I work. Non-stop! The day started early, and with a problem right off the bat, the phones were not working at all, anywhere on the campus. Uggh, not good on a day when we needed to be making lots of little calls. You should have seen my boss outside using my cell phone, because we couldn't get a good enough reception in the building, it was rather comical. Around 10, I realized that I better stop and get payroll done, since, due to the 4th next week, we had to have it in today by 2 in order to get paid. Well, I realized that I didn't know how Celeste wanted to work her time out for the days she had off last week when her son was sick. So, off I go to find her, only to hear that she isn't in yet. How strange, since she said she would be in early. So off I go, with the cell phone to call and see what's up. Her son was sick again, ugghhhh.. poor thing, but boy the timing could not be worse. Now, not only did I have to do the work that I needed to finish, I needed to do her's too... ugggghhhhh.. What a nightmare that turned out to be. It really was horrible, and I went crazy with it all, all with a super crabby boss too. We worked and worked, and Celeste finally made it in around 3, when her husband got home. I was never so happy to see her, LOL. It meant I could leave her work to her, and finally start my own. Needless to say it was a very long day, and we were there until 7:30 tonight. We were all exhausted, but we were all so batty from looking at this stuff and more than ready to call it a night. I do think that we are going to make this deadline, and not only that, it all is looking wonderful.

Around 10:30 this morning, Stephen and the girls stopped by work. I was sooooooooooo happy to see them, and got to spend a few minutes with them, although not very many, as I was very swamped at that time. Still, it was just nice knowing they were home. They got up early this morning to head home, hehe.. they were anxious. So I sent them on their way, and looked forward to seeing them tonight. I think that they were all very disappointed that I had to work late, but they were nice and had dinner ready for me when I got home. They all sat and stared at me while I ate, telling me all about their trip. It would be hard to say which one of them was the most excited, hehe. They then proceeded to follow me from room to room, and in fact, all 3 of them stood in the doorway talking away while I went to the bathroom! Sheesh, I missed you too, but a little privacy maybe? LOL.

They had bought me a few presents and were so excited for me to find them. I think that's why they followed me into the bathroom, one of them was in there. They bought me some new dolophins for my bathroom. Awww, they are so cute, and I love them lots. I told them that they didn't have to buy me anything, but truth be told, I am glad that they did. I love presents. They got cute stuff for Sherry and Chuck too, but not as cute as my dolophins and sea turtles, hehe.

We were going to watch a movie together while I worked on my scrapbooking stuff, but I realized that I needed some wax paper for my borders (to wrap the finished ones in), so June and I ran to walmart. While we were there, I let her pick out some new markers that smell good, and we picked out a teen magazine for Chrissy. It had an Nsync poster in the middle, so she was totally excited when we gave it to her. I also got Stephen a little present, and then something for Cory and I too. The other day we were talking about how we wished that construction paper was acid free since it would be perfect for our scrapbooks... so I decided to look.. tons of construction paper, but nope nope nope.. doesn't say acid free, until I turn around and find one brand.. YESSSS, in big letters, ACID FREE... so I got a few packs for me and a few for Cory. I can't wait to give it to her, I know she is going to love it too. See, I love giving presents as much as I love getting them. Of course when I got home, I had to re-organize all my stuff, LOL. I organize it all way too much. I don't know why!

Well Stephen is waiting for me to come to bed.. the girls are passed out, they were so exhausted, and we are going to cuddle. It feels so good to have them home. I am so happy.. exhausted, but happy!

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