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A Quickie

A Quickie...

June 29, 2001

Let's see, it's already almost midnight, yet again. I wonder if I will ever start going to sleep at a normal time again. Well maybe midnight is normal for some people, but me, I like to be in bed by now. Especially since I enjoy getting up in the morning. I hate sleeping the day away. However, you better bet that I am going to tomorrow, hehe.

Wonderful news. The grant is DONE!!! Done, all done.. all mailed off, all wonderful. Not only was it done, but it was done well. I have to say that the last 2 days have been so tough, but we got thru it, and we did a good job at working together to get it finished. Every little thing that could have gone wrong, did, but I guess you should expect that. It's the nature of the beast. When I got to work this morning, my boss said that he thought we were looking good, and that we would be done by mid-morning, and that we were all taking the afternoon off. He spoke too soon, because as soon as he said it, we encountered one problem after another. We didn't end up finishing up until about 3, but I was just so happy to be done, that I didn't care. And now I have 2 days of vacation, and the holiday, which means I don't have to be back to work until Thursday. YIPPPEEEEEE.

When I got home, the girls and I swam for a while. We hung out in the pool and they told me all about their day. They went with Uncle Stephen to get our tickets for Sunday's Sox game.. and then they went to visit grandma Liz and have lunch, and then June's favorite part.. they got to go to TWO parks.. not one she said, but two. She was happy, LOL. So we goofed aorund in the pool for a bit and then we came in to eat dinner and to hang out in here, watching movies and stuff. I was working on some of my scrapbook stuff, and they decided that they would like to help. They asked if they could punch stuff out, so guess what? Cory is getting sun and flower punchies from the girls tomorrow, hehe. They are so excited about giving it to her too, being able do say that they did it. Added to what I have for her myself, she is going to have a little pile tomorrow, hehe. I can't wait to see the paper she got for me too.. mostly I can't wait to see her though...especially since she is leaving for vacation on Monday and I won't get to talk to her allll week. Yucky.

Well so much for this being a quickie.. I mean it certainly was not a long entry, but it was more than I planned on writing. I am sitting here typing with my eyes half closed. I am so exhusted... this was one very longgggg week, and I really am so glad that it's over.

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