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Cross Town Classic

Cross Town Classic...

June 28, 2002

Today we went to the Sox vs. Cubs game at Comisky Park (Home of the White Sox). As I had mentioned before (probably more than once), I had gotten tickets to take Stephen to the game as one of his birthday presents. Going to the cross town classic is a big deal here in Chicago, and the games sell out pretty quickly, so I was pretty dang excited when they added some tickets in there, and I jumped on them pretty quickly. This was actually my first cross town classic and Stephen's first at Comisky. He had gone to one 2 years ago at Wrigley Field with his brothers (Gerald is a Cubs fan, and he got the tickets) and his dad.. and they had such a great time. When he heard I was getting tickets, he asked if we could please take Gerald and Kevin with us, and I am so glad we did, because we had the BEST time!!!!

I was really pretty bummed all morning that Jen and Don were not joining us. I was so anxious to have them come too, and so it was sad that they couldn't. I didn't know what to do with the tickets. I guess I could have asked Chrissy and June, but it was too last minute. Finally, we called this morning and asked if Jacob and Kevin (our oldest nephews) wanted to go with. Normally, I wouldn't have paid to take them to this game (the tickets cost a pretty penny), and it was not something I really wanted to do, but I couldn't see letting the tickets go to waste either. It was a crummy thing to let happen.. and the boys were so very excited when we asked them to go. Kevin was picking Gerald up at work (they work together, but Kevin is on vacation), and they were going to meet us at the game, but Michelle said the only way Jacob could go is if we drove the boys ourselves, there and back, just in case Kevin was drinking. I didn't mind picking them up, and we really had a great time with them.

The game was awesome. Gerald and Jacob are Cubs fans, and the rest of us are Sox fans, so we did a lot of talking back and forth to each other, and to the other fans sitting around us as well. There were tons of fans for both sides, and just listening to everyone talking back and forth was so exciting and fun. It really made it such a neat experience, and I am so glad that we got to go. When the cubs went up 8-0 in the 3rd inning, I could say that the cub fans were unbearable, but I know that if it were reversed, we would have been unbearable too. It was still early though, and we never lost faith in our team. When they made their comeback in the 4th and 5th innings, it was just so exciting. I actually had goosebumps watching the crowd go nuts. My favorite player had an awesome game too (he had 2 home runs as well as some other good hits), so that was fun as well, and I totally am hoarse from screaming so much. When the Sox took over the lead, the cubs fans were not so loud anymore, and it made it even more interesting, giggle. It is always so much more fun when your team is winning. It really was fun fun fun, and I loved every minute of the whole day. Stephen did too, and he must have thanked me over 1000 times throughout the day, and still is tonight. This meant so much to him, and thus to me.

Kevin and Gerald had to leave a bit early (beginning of the 9th), because Gerald had to get to Timmy's baseball game (he is a coach so he had to be there), and with the score being up to 13-9, you can imagine it was a pretty long game. The boys were going home with us anyway, so it didn't matter, and we said goodbye and they were on their way. Actually both boys were glad they left, since they are at that embarrased by their parents stage, lol. Kevin was dancing a lot when the sox would score and the boys were just hiding behind their hats.

On the way out, Stephen bought me a Cubs Suck Shirt.. on the front it says, Cubs magic number.. 911.. it's cute. He also got one for Kevin, and then because he couldn't leave Jake out, he lowered himself to buy a Sox Sucks shirt.. it about killed him to pay money for that.. but Jake is his godson, snicker... The pic of the day is the boys and I holding up our new shirts. We took them home, and then came home and made dinner together, and guess what came on TV? The replay of the game.. hehe. It was fun to watch it again, especially since I had kept score during the game, and we followed that as we watched it, hehe. What a great day.

Daily Tidbits

  1. After the 7th inning stretch, they started playing the music for Rocky Top (The Tennessee song), and I started singing it to Kevin (When TN played Michigan in the bowl game, I would call him and sing it everytime TN would score, and he would hang up on me, giggle).. We were cracking up, and he started singing the Michigan fight song. I was totally thinking of Tonya, I can't believe they played that music, lol.
  2. I got soooooo sunburned on my legs today and my arms and nose.. eeek. Did I mention that I am so sunburned from Florida? I have so many different layers of different shades of red now. It's rather comical, or at least it would be if it wasn't so dang painful.
  3. I sooooooooo didn't want to go for my walk tonight. I really have gotten more into the hang of not doing my exercises and eating poorly, but the desire to go over took the desire to not go, and I went. I am really glad I did, and I feel better for it, I can get back on track, eventually, hehe.
  4. I missed ya today Jen. I am still so sorry you couldn't make the game.. It was such a wonderful game and you would have had such fun, as would I have with you guys. Maybe next time, yah?
  5. The shirt Stephen bought me was only a large. They were out of XL. I knew it would be small, and it was a little tight around my tummy (although not too bad) and I just tucked it in, and it worked. I was impressed..because 5 months ago, I wouldn't have even wore an XL, because I hated tight stuff, and I never tucked in shirts, so they had to be even bigger... things are changing though, hehe. Now if only I could really get back on track... I'll get there!

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