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Little Scrapper

Little Scrapper...

July 03, 2001

Last year, I helped Chrissy to start her own scrapbook. I gave her a bunch of my supplies to use for her own, and helped her learn how to do it. She did a great job, but after a few pages, she got bored. Well yesterday she decided that she wanted to work on it again, so I let her pull out all her stuff. She started a few pages and did a wonderful job, and now she is totally into it again, even more so than last year. Now June wants to start making one, but I think that she should wait just a little while longer, so instead I went and got her some other craft stuff to work on, while Chrissy and I are working on our books. I also took Chrissy today and let her buy a few things for her books. Hobby Lobby was having a huge sale on papers and stickers, and she had a few ideas for some pages she wanted to try, so I figured what the heck, and let her get some things. She was thrilled and has been working on her pages all evening. I have to say, that she is doing a wonderful wonderful job too. I am going to keep her books here until she is older, but I know that she is going to love that she did this, when she is old enough to appreciate it. I am proud of her too.

While we were out shopping, my mom called and said that she would be over in the area, going to the doctor, and asked if the girls and I wanted to meet her there. So we did. She had brought Rocky (her dog) to the doctor with her and let the girls watch him for her while she was in with the doctor. They loved it and had a great time. Then mom took us out to lunch to the Patio, and while we were there she gave each of the girls 11 bucks to go shopping. June has been wanting to get a purse and Chrissy wanted new earings, so they were excited. After lunch, she headed home and I took the girls shopping to spend their money. June got the cutest purse, and she was sooooo excited because it is her first grown up purse. She also got some lip gloss to go in it, and even had a little change (her purse was on clearance for 3 bucks, it's adorable). Chrissy got some earings and lipstick. They had tons of fun too.

I made Chrissy her favorite dinner, stuffed peppers, and we ran out and rented some movies. They are watching the little vampire now (we saw it at the movies and they loved it), and then we are going to watch movies together. In the meantime, Chrissy and I are working on our pages. She is fun to scrap with. My little scrapper, I love it.

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