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The "Alligator" Hunter??

The "Alligator" Hunter??

July 05, 2001

I don't think that I mentioned this, but Sunday night when we were coming home from the Sox game, we saw a police car double parked down the block. As we passed it, I said to Stephen, wonder what is going on. To which, my brother came out and followed us home (yes, he is a police officer, and yes, he works in our neighborhood). So I ask him what they are doing over there, and he tells me that there is an alligator loose in the neighborhood. He said that the report was that it was about 3 feet long, and yes, he did see something, but it got away from him, and he didn't have a clue what it was. I asked what they were going to do about it, and he said, call animal control, there was nothing else he could do. We laughed about it a little, said we were going to send the girls alligator hunting and stuff like that, and then it was forgotten.

So today is our day for dinner at my in-laws house. I came home and picked up the girls, and took them over there, and we hung out there for a few hours. We had a great time, and the girls had a great time, but I was getting tired (getting up for work in the morning after a few days off is a rough one, hehe), so we came home. When I checked the caller ID, I noticed that my brother called a few times. I tried calling him on his cell phone, but he had it off, and I just forgot about that too. A while later he calls me again, and asks me if I would tape the 9 o'clock news for him. I asked why and he told me that they had another call today about the neighborhood "alligator", and that he and his partner finally caught it today. Turns out that it was not an alligator (big suprise there), but rather a 4 foot iguana. This thing was huge, and they finally caught it, only to turn around and see Fox news catching it all on tape. I was so excited to see if it was on the news, and called my mom and sister to let them know too, as well as anyone else I could think of, hehe. We all watched the news, and got excited as they kept showing clips of it, for an upcoming news segment. When it came on, it was cool, my brother was on there for at least 90 seconds - 2 minutes. They showed him putting it into this box and then carrying the box to the squad cars. They called him and his partner, local heros, LMAO, and said that the neighboorhood could breathe a little more easy, snicker. Yah, okay, cause there was like this killer iguana out there right? hehe. Still it was exciting to watch the news and see my little brother. He called to see if he looked stupid, LOL, and I of course teased him to death. His new nickname.. Ace Ventura.. Ace for short.

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