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Lot's of Stuff

Lot's of Stuff...

July 07, 2002

It's been one of those sort of days where I feel like I have done lot's of different stuff. When you think about it all, it actually seems like more than one day, but it really was only one day. Let's see, when I got up this morning, I was excited to wake June up to see her get her tooth fairy money. She had a rough night, tossing wise, and her pillows were all over the floor. It took her a while to find the baggie with her money, and boy was she getting worried, lol. Finally she found it though, still half asleep. She looked and saw two bills, and said, I got 2 dollars all excited, but then she looked again and said.. "ohhh, I got a one dollar and a five bucks". I was laughing so hard at that one, especially when Stephen asked her what she got and she said the same thing. What a goofball she is.

After I got them up and dressed, and we ate breakfast, we just hung out until Stephen left for Church. I wanted to go with him, but June has been on the wild side the past few days, and I just didn't want to deal with her at church, and besides, I wanted to take them to see Chuck anyway. Jen called and invited us over for the day, but I had already told Sherry that I was going to take them up to the hospital, so I really wanted to do that, so I called her back, and asked her if she wanted to meet and play miniature golf. I don't think she was too excited about that idea, but she agreed (thanks Jen, I had a great time!!!). So we were off.

We stopped and got Chuck some Monster trucks. He loves toys, lol, and I guess the nurses have been laughing at how many people have brought him toys in the past few days. Anyway he loves the trucks and I am glad for that. The good news was, when we got there, they were telling him that they were going to let him go home. He was soooo excited and happy about that. I offered to take him home, but his mom was already on her way up, and we had the plans to meet Jen anyway. He asked if I would keep the girls until Tuesday anyway, and I was really glad for that.

On the way to meet Jen, I stopped and got us lunch. The girls wanted white castles, yuck, but since it was on the way, I got it anyway. It was okay, and we got to the golf place shortly after Jen. I thought the boys would be with her, so I was a little disappointed to see that they weren't, but I was happy to see her and Nicole... very happy. She was in a bad mood over the car stuff (read her journal to find out what I mean), and she wasn't going to play golf with us, but I talked her into it pretty easily, and she would have beaten me, if she had not been in a bad mood still for the first few holes. She got into the game after a few though, and I am glad, cause we had a lot of fun.

Chrissy and June went home with her for the night (and I miss them, sniff sniff). I am glad though, because we have to work tomorrow anyway, and the girls will have more fun playing with Nicole tomorrow anyway. Jen is going to drop them off at work for me, so I will have tomorrow night with them anyway.

After we parted ways, I stopped at TJ Maxx and got Chrissy a few new bras. She is down to one that fits, and I know how badly she wanted new ones. Sherry is going to take her to get some too, but I figured I would get her 3 to keep her going until then. She is going to be so happy about that. Then I headed to work (since I was mostly there anyway) to workout. I had a GREAT workout, and worked out for like 80 minutes. It really felt good, and I just kept going on the treadmill, hehe.. I was at the end of a great book too which always helps. I was glad to get some weights in too. I really am planning on getting back on track with everything starting tomorrow.

I stopped to get Stephen and I dinner from Pepes on the way home, yum, and we've been watching movies together tonight. We are going to cuddle in a few minutes, and watch the movie I picked. Awww, my favorite time of night.

Daily Tidbits

  1. My MIL called to let us know she got to Delores' okay. She is there babysitting this week. She said she went to see the new baby today and that she is adorable. I guess the kids want to call her Kat, cute.
  2. We are going to see Kat tomorrow night, they are coming home. I can't wait to see her... awww.
  3. I tried on a pair of Stephen's jean shorts tonight, teasing him, and was so surprised to find that they are not so very far off. They are definitely too small, but I could almost squeeze them together to make the ends meet. Stephen was like omg, now you are going after my clothes, giggle. I have never ever fit in his clothes ever. When I was smaller, so was he, by a lot.. so I was never even close. This is totally too cool. I will remember that tomorrow when the going is tough.
  4. Back to work tomorrow, for real.. a whole week, ugh, lol. Ah, it won't be so bad. I really do like working, yah, sorta.. snicker. I am convincing myself of that, not.

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