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Stretching it Out

Stretching it Out...

July 09, 2001

So the girls were supposed to go home last night. Sherry and Chuck were going to come over to pick them up, but the girls found a way to stretch this visit out. June wishes she could stretch it out forever, sorry honey, but you are going to have to go home on Tuesday.

We left my mom's house pretty early yesterday morning, so that we could get home in time to go to Stephen's basketball game. Only about 20 minutes into the drive (which usually takes a little bit over an hour), I realized that I forgot something at my mom's house. Normally, it would be no biggie and I would just get it next time, but this was something that I couldn't leave behind, since it is something that I need for the upcoming Jen and Tonya visit. I would say what it is, but since someone reads my journal that I don't want to know what it is, I will just keep it to myself for now. So I had to go back and get it... so my little over an hour ride turned into 2 hours.. but that's okay, because I left early enough that I had time to mess around, thankfully.

We were almost home when Stephen called me on the cell and asked me if I could stop and pick up Kevin, Karolyn and Kimberly to take them to his mom's and to the game. I was only 10 minutes from their house at this point, so I called them and told them to be ready. Chrissy and June were so excited, since they really hadn't gotten much of a chance to hang out with the other girls this whole visit (okay, well not including the Dells anyway). So we picked them up, and got home when Stephen was leaving, so he took Kevin with him and the girls all waited with me while I took a shower and got ready real quick, then we headed for Stephen's parents house.

We all went to Stephen's game, which was nice, and they played pretty good, and although they did lose, I was proud of Stephen. I am so glad that he has this stuff, and that it means so much to him. I got some really good pictures too, with the digital camera (which I borrowed from my mom again, so that I could use it for the JT visit). I got this really great picture of Stephen and his brother Kevin, they were both standing the same exact way, it was cute. I also got some great pictures of all the kids. I love that camera.

After the game, we hung out at Stephen's mom's house. She ordered lunch for everyone from Parisi's. It is a hot dog place, which just has the best food. I could eat there every day and never get bored with it. They just have so many yummy options. So lunch was great and the company was great, and we had a good day. I took Stephen's mom grocery shopping while Kevin (Stephen's brother) took the kids to the park, and then when we were getting ready to leave, Kevin asked if Chrissy and June could spend the night at his house with the kids. I said nope, that they were going home, but he asked me to please call Sherry and ask, and of course Chrissy and Bugs were all for that. So I called her and asked, and she said yah, but only if she could pick the girls up on Tuesday since she has to work late tonight. Oh gee, think the girls were disappointed in that? NOT. So they got to spend the night with the girls (Karolyn, Kimberly and Amy) last night, and then Stephen's mom is watching all of them today while we are all at work. Lucky her, hehe.

Stephen and I had a nice night last night, but it felt so strange not having the girls with us. Funny how quickly they become a part of every day life for us. It was a little lonely without them... or maybe it was just quiet, LOL. Anyway, Stephen went and rented us Pay it Forward, which I really enjoyed. What a great movie. I cried though, okay no big surprise there, I cry at commericals, lol.. but it was pretty emotional. I did get to work on my scrapbooks a little before we watched the movie too, and I am pretty impressed with how much I've been getting done lately. I am already up to Halloween now, so not much more to do before my 2000 book is done... yay... then I have to decide... do I want to start Sherry's wedding book? Or the VA Trip book? or the Dells book? or my 2001 book! Oh the choices... man, reading that makes me realize that while I feel like I've been getting a lot done, I still have way more to do... uggghhh, LOL.. and it just keeps adding up. Oh well, I enjoy doing it, and I don't want to rush, because then my pages wouldn't be a cute. It's one of those things that you just have to take your time with.

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