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Missing Them Already

Missing Them Already...

July 10, 2001

So the girls left a little while ago, and I already miss them so much. It sure doesn't take long for them to worm their way into my every day life. Sherry and Chuck offered to leave them and pick them up on Thursday or Friday, but it wouldn't be any easier then, and besides, I really do need to get ready for Jen and Tonya's visit, and it will be easier to do that without them here. Still, I miss them a lot. I guess it does help knowing that they will be back in less than 2 weeks, and staying for another 2 weeks. I still can't believe that I am actually taking a 3 week vacation, this is the first time that I've ever done that. Usually the most I take at a time is 2 weeks. I think that it's going to be so hard that first day back, hehe.

So I was able to get half price coupons for the Sox game we are going to when Jen and Tonya are here. I was holding out on getting the tickets until I could see if I could these coupons from my BIL and SIL. I am glad that I got them. It means that the 5 tickets that would have cost 130.00 will now be 65.00.. what a difference. I called the girls (Jen, Cory and Tonya) to tell them tonight, and they were all excited about it too.

Ohhhh, but when I called Cory, Jim answered, and when he heard it was me, he said "Oh the one who is taking my wife away from me". I know that he was joking and stuff, but man, it kinda didn't sound like it and I admit I was a little sad about it. I jokingly told Cory that she doesn't have to come, but deep down I almost wonder if I should just tell her that she doesn't have the spend the nights. I mean, it would be a lot of driving for her, but if it would make them happy, maybe that is what she should do. Neither of them seem very anxious to be apart for a few days. Then again though, Jim was invited to do a few things with us... couples night on Saturday and the Sox game on Thursday, and he didn't want to do either .. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't like me, but I guess that is just me being silly. He is just like Stephen, and people think that Stephen doesn't like them, and it's not true, it's just him being him. I need to remember that sometimes. I also need to remember that Cory is not the type of person to do anything that she doesn't want to do, and if she didn't want to spend the night, she would just say so, or leave and go home. Sigh, I just want this to be so perfect... like it was in Virginia. Once we start having fun, everyone will be fine and have a great time, I know it... so why am I stressing out. Probably because I am so sad about missing the girls right now, and so things just seem sad to me. I guess because I am the type of person who tries hard to make the people I care about happy, and I don't want to see Cory sad because she is missing Jim. Although, I guess that Jen and Tonya are both missing their men too, and it's not like I am going to be seeing Stephen all that much. He is working during the day, and we are doing so much, it's not like I will be hanging out with him. He will be at couples night, and he is going to the Sox game with us. I wish Jim was too, then Cory wouldn't have to miss him so much and he wouldn't have to miss Cory so much either. Besides, I like Jim, and I hoped that we would be doing those things with him. I enjoy the time we spend with him and Cory. Stephen does too. I guess that's the main reason, Stephen hoped he would be going to those things too. Heck, I am just rambling on, and I have no idea what I said at all, LOL. I miss the girls, that is really what I am thinking and feeling. On that note, I will go to bed...

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