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Slowwww Week

Slowwww Week...

July 11, 2001

Wow, this week is certainly dragging by. And then when Jen and Tonya do get here, it is just going to fly by. How unfair is that? Of course, I won't keep watching the clock while they are here. And why do I keep watching it today? Well because I want to goooo hommmeeee. I am going to stop and get my hair cut tonight. And I need to stop at Walmart and get stuff like shampoo, soap, toothpaste, all that fun stuff. Then I have more house cleaning to do. As much as I miss Chrissy and June, I have to admit that cleaning is going to be so much easier without them following behind me and messing everything up.

Sherry and Chuck came for dinner last night, and I made a yummy dinner. A roast and carrots and broccoli and roasted baby red potatoes. Oh, they were so yummy. We are having left-overs tonight, but I don't mind, it was good, hehe. We tried to go swimming for a while last night too, and it was fun, but oh man, it was chilly!! I hope that it's a little warmed tonight so I can at least swim for a few minutes. It will seem weird to swim without the girls though, hehe.

I cleaned my desk today. Man, getting ready to go on vacation is hard work. My boss got a part time temp for while I am gone, so I didn't want to leave a mess behind, although really, who cares, why does she need to rifle through my desk anyway, right? Right! LOL. Yah yah, it still looks nice clean, and at least I will come back from vacation to a nice clean desk. That is a definite upside to it.

I have been corresponding today with our University President about a memorial for Ven. I am glad that they are going to do something for him here, even though he had transfered to the Arizona Branch a few years ago. He spent many of his years teaching on this campus and he meant so much to so many people. I still miss him a lot and think of him often. I even put a picture of him up at home. I smile when I look at it and I think of all the things he taught me. I hope that I make a difference in peoples lives as he had. I hope that when I am gone, I am remembered as fondly.

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