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So Totally...

So Totally...

July 12, 2001

This is just one of those so totally days. Or as Cory says... so TOTOALLY, since totoally is more than totally, LOL. So let's see. I am so totally excited... Jen and Tonya arrive tomorrow, and I can't believe that it's already here. Boy am I excited. We are going to have a great time, and we have so much fun stuff planned. It's going to be great, just being together, no matter what we were going to do though.

I am so totally stressed. I am trying to get all this stuff done at work before I start my vacation. I am pretty much done, so that's not what is stressing me. It's all this other stuff I have to get done too. I still have cleaning, shopping and tons of other stuff to do. Plus, we are going to Stephen's parents for dinner tonight too, so that takes away some of my time. I was going to just skip dinner, but when I called, she sounded excited that we were coming over, so I changed my mind. I will find a way to get it all done. Who needs to sleep tonight? LOL

I am so totally frustrated. I went last night to get my hair cut, and the cut turned out nice.. but I decided that since I wanted to color my hair anyway that night, I would just have them do it. BIG MISTAKE. The color is awful awful awful, and I was there for over 3 hours with them trying to fix it. I so wanted to cry, and I still might. Stephen says it's not bad and he likes it, so I was going to keep it, but now I just noticed that the ends of my hair are totally different from the top, so there is no way I am keeping this. If I was a stronger person, I might go there and demand that they fix it, or at least give me my money back. Why can't I be the type of person who would do that?? Nope, I will go to the store and get the stuff to fix it myself. I so feel like I wasted my time and my money last night. That just really sucks. Okay, I can fix it hopefully, so I should concentrate on the good stuff instead of the bad.

I am going to take half the day off today, so that I can go get stuff done before tomorrow. I am glad that my boss is going to play golf today, because he didn't mind me taking half the day off since he won't be here anyway. That worked out well.

Oh, and I am so totally happy that Jim decided to go to the Sox game with us.. YAY!! I still need to go get our tickets. I am so glad I waited. It worked out so well. Oh and he can make it to Couples night too, I am so glad, because it will be good to have him there, and it will mean a lot to Cory too. We are going to have such a great week. So totally great!

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