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Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th...

July 13, 2001

I love Friday the 13th. My 13th Birthday was on Friday the 13th, and I loved it. Ever since I was a kid, 13 has been my lucky number. And today it is perfect, because Jen and Tonya will be here. My mom even joked about it (remembering my 13th birthday party), and asked if we were renting all the scary movies and staying up all night screaming like we did when we were kids. It makes me happy that she remembers that party too, since it was a good one for me, LOL.

Okay, so I am soooooo tired today. Well gee, that one isn't so hard to figure out. Yesterday was a crazy day. I left work about 11:00 and headed out to have lunch with my mom. She took me to this really good chineese place, and then we went to the mall to shop for a little bit. I bought us each a new bra, and oh, I love mine. It is this new kind, a wireless underwire bra... lol, okay that sounds so funny, but it is soooooooo comfortable. After I took her back to work, and visited there for a little bit, I headed home. I had to stop at the bank and at the store to get a few things, so by the time I got home it was 3:30. I stopped to dye my hair, and it turned out good, so now I love it again, and am not going crazy about the bad coloring job I got the other night. Only now my hair is really dry, so I have been spending a lot of time (and money) conditioning it. It's getting back to normal though, thankfully. I will never make that mistake again.

After I got my hair all situated, and got dressed, I headed out to pick up the chicken for dinner and head over to Stephen's parents. I called to see what she wanted me to get, and she said that she had been trying to call me all day. She decided to make dinner instead, but still needed me to pick up a few things, and she said she wanted to talk to me. I said, uh oh, what's wrong, and she went on to tell me how I am family to them, and if I needed money I should have come to them (lol, all I did was borrow some money from my parents, because I haven't gotten this check in the mail that should be there any day now, so I borrowed it until then). She asked me a million times if I needed money for my friends visit, because afterall I should show them a good time, she said. I told her that I was fine, but that I appreciated the offer and I would keep it in mind, if I should need anything. It really made me feel wonderful though, that she cared so much. The thing that really made me want to cry (happily) was when she said, you don't need Stephen to ask us, you are our family too. awwww, I mean, I know that I am, but it's always so nice to hear it too.

Kevin, Nicole and the girls were over for dinner too, which was nice. Lil' Kev had gone to the Cubs/Sox game with Gerald and the boys. Gerald and his family are all Cubs fans, and Kevin and his family Sox fans, so lil' Kev said that it's not so much fun going to a cubs/sox game with cubs fans, especially if they win. But he bought himself the cutest shirt that said... the cubs magic number, 911.. and on the back, CUBS SUCK. Stephen's dad loved it too, when he saw it. It's funny because Stephen's family is totally right down the middle.. half cubs fans, half sox... Stephen, Kevin and their dad, Sox fans... Gerald, Delores and their mom, Cubs fans... it's makes for some interesting conversations, that is for certain.

After dinner, I drove Kev home and picked up Nicole to go back to my house, so she could use my computer to work on their labels for their wedding invites. Since she was over, which I enjoyed btw, I didn't get my house cleaning started, and by the time Kevin came to pick her up, it was already 9:30. Stephen was so tired, he was practically falling asleep, but he got up and helped me a little bit, and I was so grateful for that. Cory called about 10:00 and was laughing when she heard that I hadn't even gone grocery shopping yet... but somehow I managed to get it done, and get the floor mopped and some other stuff done, and still get in bed right around 1:00 this morning. I was so tired, and Stephen had already gone to bed hours before, but as I was climbing into bed, all I could think of was how much I really wanted to make love to my husband. I didn't want to wake him up though, especially after he stayed up to help me clean. So instead I climbed into bed and cuddled up to him. He cuddled back, and immediately started kissing me and stuff. Guess he wanted to make love too, awwwwww... so we did, and it was absolutely wonderul. I didn't even care that I didn't go to sleep until about 2, it was so worth it. Especially since we won't be able to have any time for the next 8 days, which of course is totally worth it too, LOL.

So here I am this morning, totally tired, but totally happy. I am so excited about the next 8 days. I am just so happy to be spending time with my friends. I am really going to enjoy myself. A few more hours and I am on vacation for 3 weeks!! 3 weeks!!! God, that is awesome too. I still have some little things to finish up, ya know, payroll for the next few weeks, and leaving directions for the temp, and cleaning my computer up, and backing my stuff up and all that fun stuff, but I am in such a great mood, that it seems like nothing at this point. Bring on the fun...

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