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Family Picnic

Family Picnic...

July 13, 2002

I don't know what it is about family picnic's but they are exhausting. Maybe it's all the fresh air and sunshine.. or chasing after the kids.. walking in the woods, etc.. but it's tiring. I am so tired and I am ready for bed. I am not going to write a huge entry here, but I wanted to write one none-the-less.

The family picnic was a ton of fun. They always are, and this was no exception. We went over to Stephen's mom and dad's and met them before we went out. Gerald and Michelle got there right before us, and Kevin and Nicole were already there. Every year, I say about 100 people show up. It's Stephen's mom's family, which is huge! Of course with all the new babies every year, it just keeps getting even bigger, and it's so much fun to see everyone and catch up.

I will write more about it tomorrow. I am sitting here, and I can't get my train of thought going, and I keep half falling asleep. We are taking Stephen's parents to church in the morning, so I have to get up too, so I really need to get into bed. I always feel bad writing such short entries, especially when I do have so much to say, but I just can't do it..

Hope everyone had a great Saturday! Goodnight.

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