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Bed Rats

Bed Rats...

July 14, 2002

That is what Stephen called us today, bed rats, giggle. We woke up late this morning, which felt wonderful. As we lay in bed cuddling, he said that he wished we could stay in bed together all day long. So we talked about it, and we decided that we would go to church with his parents, and then come back home and just spend the day together. We called to tell them what time we would be there, and found out that they decided not to go. Stephen's dad wasn't feeling good and his mom's leg was killing her from all that she did yesterday. They rarely miss church, so it was a surprise. We talked about going anyway, but we ended up not, and just spent the whole morning in bed instead. I am glad we did.

We had a great time, just cuddling, watching Trading spaces and giggling and stuff. We were laughing talking about how we used to do this when we first got married, never getting out of bed the whole day. We would bring boxes of ice cream cones to bed with us, to eat in between cuddling and making love. Just plain ice cream cones, don't ask me why.. but we were both addicted to them for many years, lol. We eventually got up and Stephen made us a nice breakfast, and then later we went out to pick up lunch. We didn't eat much of the lunch but we just saved it and had it later for dinner.

As we were watching the sox game, I told him that I had an urge to work on my scrapbook, so he sent me on my way to do so. However, my room in there was trashed, lol. I tore my whole closet apart earlier in the week, to clean it out, so my clothes were every where, and there were piles of clothes to give to Cory and Jen as well. Plus, the girls made a huge mess in there last week too, which I never cleaned yet, so I had my work cut out for me. That is one thing.. I can't work on my crafts when my room is a mess. I don't know why, but I just never have been able to. So I had to clean it all, and that took me quite a while, lol. When I was done, I didn't really feel like scrappin' anymore, but I sat down to try anyway, and once I started, I got into it, and did get 2 layouts done, yay. That was the first time I worked on it in a while, so that was good. Hope that this is the start of getting a lot done.

After I worked for a while, I decided to go for a walk. I didn't really go for one yesterday, although I did walk in the woods with the kids at the picnic, but not for exercise. So I really enjoyed my walk tonight, and I went the long route. Then when I got home, I did 50 jumps with my jump rope. I found it today when I was cleaning out the closet. I bought it a few years ago, so sure that I was going to lose weight jumping rope every night, lol. I did it twice, before I stuck the thing in the closet. I am not going to do it too much, but a little bit. Doing 50 tonight actually felt really good. It's just nice to do different things occasionally and shake things up a bit.

Now I am watching Strong Medicine (love that show and can't wait for the season premiere next week), and talking to Tonny. Can you believe her boy hampster had 5 babies, lol. Didn't know boy ones could do that, snicker.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I shrunk my new shirt, lol. Not on purpose, but oops. It's the yellow one that I have on in the pic of the day tonight. Now it only comes to the top of my shorts. In the past, I would have never worn it again, but now it almost looks cute. I guess it's almost just like having it tucked in, right.. which is also something I never used to do, and now do all the time.
  2. Everyone kept saying how nice I looked yesterday, which was nice.. even Delores, who never says stuff like that, so it felt nice.
  3. I told my boss that I wouldn't be in until noon tomorrow because of my Doctor appointment.. but since my appt. isn't until 10:30, I decided to go in early tomorrow, then leave and come back. Am I nuts? LOL, probably, but I know that he will be impressed, and I really do have lots to do with Alex's grant, so he will be really happy about it. Hey, I am sure that it's things like that which get me good evaluations and raises. I can't wait to get my check this week and see how my raise makes my check.. since this is the first check since we got our raises this year.

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