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Slackers of the World Unite!
07-13-2004, 3:18 a.m.

It�s funny how you can have so many things going on, and not have anything to write about, but that is how I�ve felt for the past few months. It feels like everything was different for a while there, at least with my time management. Looking back though, I am not even sure what I did with that time. I do know it didn�t consist of writing in here, hehe. I won�t come back with any grand promises of updating either, as I can see that it�s gotten me no where. I�ve become a slacker I tell you. Slackers of the world unite!

I haven�t been sleeping so well the past few nights, and after tossing and turning for the past hour, I decided to just get up and read or something. That something turned into coming here to write an entry. I should be reading! LOL. They started this new book club at work, and I�ve been pretty excited about it. This is the first month, and we have a meeting next Tuesday at lunch to get together to discuss the book. Only, I�ve barely read any of it. I don�t know why either, what I have read, I�ve enjoyed. It seems like a pretty easy read, and I should be making my way happily through the book now, but I guess my slackiness has moved over to that part of my life as well. I will get there, at least I am a lot further in the book than Tonya is� I can hang on to that thought, hehe.

That sounds so strange to me still� the ability to put work and Tonya into the same paragraph. She has been working with us for a week now and I am not sure that I will ever fully get used to that. I mean, I know I will, but for now it remains to seem strange. I am so happy for her though, it is such a nice thing to watch her grow more and more confident of herself as the days progress. She is still so nervous about it all, but she is doing a great job, and you can tell, just by looking at her, how very proud she is of herself. I think that this is something she really needed in her life, and I know that this is a place where she can be happy for a long time to come. She has a meeting tomorrow with HR to go over her benefits and stuff, and she looks like a kid on Christmas morning. She has never had her own benefits before, and boy is she excited about that.

We had such a great time with her girls here, and with June and Red too. It was awesome, and I am sorry to see that it flew by. I miss them all, and look forward to future visits from each of them. I know that most of my slacking came from wanting to spend every possible moment doing stuff with them, and I really enjoyed that, but I also realize that it�s time to buckle down and get back to things. Mostly the gym!

Yes, I�ve slacked there too� more than I am willing to admit, so you get the picture, I am sure. I�ve been walking the past 2 nights though, and I am hoping to continue that, and make my way back to the gym shortly�.very shortly. Now that Tonya is working with us, our hours are changing a little, so that kinda makes it hard for us to go to the gym in the mornings though. I guess it�s back to night.. and that is taking some getting used to. I will get there though, of that I have no doubt. I just need to motivate myself, and once I do that, I tend to move quickly. Now to my book� maybe I can move quickly there too. Hmmm, I just realized that my lack of reading and lack of gym time are pretty related. I read SO much more when I am working out� I guess there is some motivation if I ever heard any. I�d hate to not have this book finished by next Tuesday.. I mean, I can�t hide from these people, they know where to find me, hehe. I have a feeling that my slacking time is coming to an end. Boy, I think I might miss it.

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