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Great Time

Great Time...

July 14, 2001

We are having such a great time, and there is so much to write about, but so little time to do so. It's pretty late here right now, after 1:00, and everyone else is in bed and going to sleep, and I am exhausted and ready to do so myself, but yet I wanted to come and write at least a little bit, because there are things that I so don't want to forget about. I know that I will forget to write plenty, and the longer I wait to do it, the more I will forget, so at least while we are here at my house, I am going to try to write at least short entries.

Cory and I had a nice lunch yesterday. We talked and talked about all the fun stuff that we are going to be doing. Gosh, that seems so long ago, that lunch. Hard to believe it was only yesterday. After lunch we went scrapbook shopping for a little bit to kill some time and then headed for the airport, only to find out that their flight was delayed by a few hours... uggghhh... We ended up having over a 4 hour wait total, but honestly, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Really, we had a great time, goofing around. We rode on the airline transit for about an hour, going from terminal to terminal and people watching. Okay, sounds goofy, but it was actually quite comical. We also went up and down the elevator in the parking garage and took our pictures on each floor. Each floor has pictures of a different Chicago sports team, so that was kinda cute. I of course got my pictures on the Wolves and Sox floors, hehe. Cory took an adorable picture on the Bears floor. I love it. So we took tons of pics with the digital camera at the airport, played cards, bought lottery scratch offs (I won 10 bucks too, hehe), and just goofed off. We didn't even really start getting bored and antsy until the last hour and even that wasn't so bad. We thought that the delay would take away some of the excitement, but as soon as we saw their plane coming it, it all came back. It was awesome to stand there and wait for them, and to finally see them. We took some pictures of that as well then we got their bags and found the car (finally, don't ask, hehe), and then headed home.

By the time we got to my house it was getting a little late, but everyone was hungry, so Cory and I started a quick dinner. As it was cooking, Jen and Tonya surprised us with a gift. We were so stunned to find out that they bought us a TON of scrapbooking stuff. There was sooooo much, and I was just so surprised. It really meant so very much to me, well, especially because they don't even scrapbook, so just the knowledge that they really took the time to find things that they knew we would love... it's so amazing to me. I am so appreciative of it all, and I hope that they know that. Thanks again Jen and Tonya, and as you saw already, it will all go to good use. I love presents, but your friendships are the best gifts of all.

After dinner, we surprised Jen with her birthday cake (which she just loved) and her camera (which she loved even more, hehe). She was so surprised, and so happy and she really did love the camera. So far it really seems to take great pics, and I am so glad that we got it for her. She really deserves it, and it will be a gift that she can really get some use out of, especially this week, LOL. She has already been taking lots of pics with it. I am so glad.

So we stayed up and played Phase 10 last night and just laughed and had a great time and went to bed kinda late, and then we didn't get up all that late today, so I was a little bit tired today. We took our time getting ready and just spending time together, and I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast which turned out rather yummy. After breakfast, we went to this neat miniature golf place by my work, and had a great time. It is a really pretty course with waterfalls and neat picture spots, which we used lots. We have already been taking tons of pictures, which is great. I love having them. The more the better.

After miniature golf, we went grocery shopping to pick up some stuff that we needed for couple's night, and then came home to watch a movie and to put Jen and Tonya to work punching out scrap stuff. Heck, they said that they wanted to see what we are talking about, and how we do it, and they certainly got to see, LOL. It was nice of them to do it though, and I know that both Cory and I appreciated their efforts. Plus, it was fun too.

Couple's night was fun, as usual, and I was so glad that Jim did come. So was Cory, LOL. We had a great dinner and the desserts were awesome, and the company was wonderful. We played cards and laughed and joked and talked. I was so glad that Jen and Tonya got to see Chrissy and June too, that was nice. It was all over way too soon, but everyone had drives and well, all good things must come to an end. But not our night, hehe. We stayed up and played Phase 10 again, and just had a great time. At one point, probably because we are all so exhausted, but we started laughing so hard, and the more one person would laugh, the more we all would. It was so funny, I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even catch my breath, LOL. Guess that meant it was time for bed.

Speaking of which, everyone else has been asleep for about an hour now, and I am nuts to be awake still. I am going to be soooooooo tired tomorrow. The problem is, this is the 2nd time I am typing all this, since it closed out and didn't save right the first time. I could have screamed, and I almost didn't write it again, but as I said before, there are some things that I just don't want to forget about, so I decided to try again. I've been saving it every few minutes this time, LOL. Well, tomorrow is going to be another fun, fun, longgg day. We are going to Mt. Baldy and climbing a 125 foot sand dune that leads to this really pretty beach. I think that I will need tons of energy for that, and here I am up, LOL, I will regret it later... But I am glad that I took the time to write. It will be so nice to go back and read it later.

Oh, and there is one more piece of awesome news, and stuff going on because of it, but I don't want anyone to read about it, until someone else (namely Jen) has a change to write about it in her journal, since it is her news to tell. Let's just say that it's something I am so totally happy about though.. giggle.

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