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Vacation Planning
07-14-2004, 8:33 p.m.

As I mentioned in my last entry, I was really sick last week, and so I ended up taking Thursday and Friday off of work. Well I talked to my boss on Friday and I could tell that he was really irritated, which really irritated me. It's not like I was making it up or just taking off for no reason. I have so much sick time built up because I rarely use it and its there for a reason, it's a benefit that we get working there. Still, I hate when he is irritated, so I wasn't looking forward to Monday.

As I knew he would be, he was very crabby on Monday... at times, barely civil. He can get like that when he has a lot that he wants done. Tuesday was a little better and today a little better still. However, I finally found out what the real issue is. He is going on vacation for 2 weeks, starting next Tuesday! Hello! How come I didn't know this?!?! I don't get it, I mean, he could have mentioned it. At least it explains why he has been so worried about everything getting done, but still. Oh well, all is well that ends well. For the most part he is an awesome boss and we get along SO well.. I don't mind a little moodiness once in a while, I mean, let's face it.. I can be pretty moody myself.

So, speaking of vacations, we are planning on. We are going to go to Vegas in October. I am SO excited about that. I can't believe that we haven't gone together in almost 2 years now (although I went last year with my parents and Tonya). Tonya is going to go with us too, and we are all really excited about it. I started looking today, at package deals, trying to figure out where we are going to stay. I really really really want to stay at Caesars Palace, so I am pushing for that, hehe. Stephen doesn't care where we stay, but he prefers the cheaper ones, and spending more money on other things, but to me part of the fun of Vegas is staying at the neat hotels, so it's important to me. He said whatever I want, and Tonya said that she doesn't care where we stay either, so this is going to be easy enough. I can't wait to really start planning. I love planning, did I ever mention that?

I was supposed to go to Mount Rushmore with Chuck and June in a few weeks, but that fell through, not on my part. I am almost glad though, I was getting frustrated with the not knowing what was going on stuff. I guess things have a way of working out though. Now I have another vacation to plan and look forward to, yay.

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