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Hair Quandries
07-15-2004, 3:18 p.m.

Tonight Tonya and I are going to get our hair cut. Well she is getting her hair cut, and I am getting mine cut... lol. I am thinking about going shorter again. A few people keep telling me that I need to let it grow long again, but I am just not of that opinion. Besides, a lot more people tell me that they really like it shorter, and heck, it's so much easier to take care of shorter, so yup, that is the way I am going. Everytime I have myself convinced though, I start to wonder. LOL. I guess I will know after my appointment, won't I?

Okay, I am so ready to go home now, but I have to wait for Tonya. I do have a ton of phone calls that I need to make, so I guess that I should be using this time to do that. Maybe I will go do that now, so that I have more time to read later.

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