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Allstar Day
07-15-2003, 7:42 p.m.

Well, hehe, Stephen and I got up this morning and waited for the guy to come and appraise the house (refinancing), and after he left, we looked at each other and said, let's just take the day off. It was funny because we both thought it at the same time. It was sweet, and I am glad that we did, because we really have had such a wonderful day (well if you don't count the migraine I got this afternoon, which is still lingering on). We've mostly just been hanging out together, although I did go workout. I had an okay one, but I started not feeling so well (which I now know was due to my upcoming migraine).

I was supposed to meet Chuck and the girls at Six Flags today, but decided not to go, one because my head was hurting, and two, because they had a bunch of stuff they wanted to do too (like driving out to Wisconsin to pick up tickets for a concert), and I really didn't want to do all that with them. Instead, I opted to stay home, and went to meet them with the girls passes, and then came back. I am glad it worked out that way because now I get to watch the allstar game with Stephen. He really was dissapointed that I wasn't going to be here to watch it with him, because that is something that we normally do together, so he was happy that I was staying home.

I have also been working a little bit on my scrapbook today. I am glad that I am starting to get back into that, because I've been stuck with it for months now. I also decided that I want to make another scrapbook for my MIL for Christmas. She was looking at the one I made her a few years back the other night, and really likes having it, so it will be nice to give her a new one. Now to go through all my digital pictures from the past year or two, and pick them out and get them printed so that I can get started on it... oh yah, easy as all that, hehe.

Speaking of digital pictures, did I mention that I thought my camera was a goner? Oh yah! At the family picnic, Chrissy asked if she could use it for a minute, so I gave it to her... well about 30 seconds later, Kevin decided to sneak attack her with a water balloon the size of a beach ball.. and it got soaked!! He felt so bad, and even though I was so upset, I tried not to let it show, because it was an accident. He kept saying that he wanted to buy me a new one which was sweet.. not many 13 year old boys would think that way, but I told him that it would all be okay. I dried it off as good as I could and let it dry and the next day it was fine, minus one of my memory cards. Luckily, I was able to save most of the pictures off of it so it wasn't a total loss.. but it did remind me of how important to me a camera is. That is not a bad thing though, hehe.

Okay, the game is starting (and this one is exciting since it is being played at Comisky, the home of our beloved White Sox), so I am off to watch it with my honey. Have a good night. It's been an allstar day, hehe.. a nice one at that.

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